This is now about the game mini ninjas. It came out on september 8, 2009. Does anyone have it? What do you think of it if you do? and is anyone thinking about getting it? I'll have some trailers up later.
I'm sick of these rumor threads especially when there is something stupid there like vehicles. It's been said so many times that I could have sworn it's in the bible. There are no vehicles in Multiplayer. Also snipers have been confirmed to be able have suppressors. This thread needs to be locked, I mean honestly research this ****.
You need to take a chill pill. Technically, everything is rumor until it is SEEN in the game. Bungie has said stuff before but it was never included in the final game. So technically, almost everything is a rumor. Find me a source were infinity ward specifically said there are no vehicles and snipers can have suppressors (which would kind of kill gameplay: UAV, silenced sniper with ghillie suits. that would be tough to find)
You can disregard almost everything on this list. The first thing listed is something that IW has openly said will not be appearing in MW2. Also, that article was posted in March.
Well game developers do not have an infinite amount of disk space for these games, and reportedly fully functional weapons can take up quite a bit of space which might be better used in another area. The logic stands that if something doesn't work and/or isn't that good, it can stand the cut to make room for something more beneficial to the overall game.
I would have to agree, i mean its take out the scorpion or not have the ability to make your m4 have a thermal scope and suppressor. So if it comes down to space it would make sense to have less weapons with more customization then alot of weapons, when lets face it only a hand full are used in mp, get put into the game
Ok deathtoll, I edited out the things I heard in the interview, which was just the silenced snipers. I didn't hear the no vehicles but I edited it out to. Theres still everything else though.
You ought to rename this to rumors instead of info seeing how none of this is absolutely confirmed. Also, about the P90 not making a return, it was in the campaign gameplay trailer. It's in the game... Really though, this was from March, you should look at something less dated. Find recent info and then we'll take a look.
I wanna get it,my mother and sister play the wii plenty,so I was hoping to have something to do besides animal crossing.
I rented the game. I personally think its pretty fun. It doesn't bring any new fantastic things to the table, but it is worth the time I've spent playing it. There are plenty of difficult achievements and you can change the difficulty if you want it to be harder. It is a little childish, because there is no blood, but that isn't a big deal. You can turn into animals which is pretty cool, and you can pick between different characters that you rescue along the journey. You can level up and it increases your abilities and the enemies slightly vary in difficulty, although they can get very repetetive. I wouldn't buy the game, but you could check it out if you are ever near a video store.