Mini Mountain Map Used: Guardian Brief Description: Its is a fun track mostly should be raced by small groups about 4 racers max but if you want to have 6 racers that’s fine. It is a small track which the route has never been done b4, it has some parts a skytrack which is smooth it may seem bumby in the screen shots but if you drive over it you don’t feel any bumps. I made this track because not many tracks are made on this map so I decided to give it a try and I think it came out good. This track was made by me, Vapour knuckles. Difficulty: Median Players: 1-12 Gamertag: Vapour knuckles Game Type: Racetracks Racetrack Link: Mini Mountain How Long did it take: I say it took a good 8 hours, the testing took about an hour, and making the stuff float in the air took about 5 hours, this was the hardest part obviously, the rest was easy. Youtube Video: Will be coming soon Pictures of the Track: ~Please comment and discuss this track, give them in thought and deatail in order to help me on upcoming tracks.
cool how you did it on guardian, a bit sloppy though, I'll play it later so see how it is. I think its the first race on guardian ever :O
What are the chances? I just posted on the other Guardian map by Vapour Knuckles. Anyways, I congratulate you. The only person (probably) on Forgehub to ever create a Race Map on Guardian. You deserve a medal.
This is definitely the best racetrack on Guardian. However, it IS a racetrack on Guardian... so its not going to have spectacular gameplay or aesthetics. This one has the best flow out of any Guardian track, and if it was created back when there was no DLC, this one would definitely have been on my hard drive. Kudos go to you, Vapour, for a great effort though. Aesthetics: 4/10 Gameplay: 4/10 Creativity: 9/10
I am just going to rate it the same as your 6th track, but how is it a mountain? Broken Gizmondo/Xbox 360 (BAD)
There is no mountain i dunno it was some random name that i could come up with i guess you can call that green part going up the mountain lol