The colors, effects, flow, text, and BG don't match the render. Lighting is WAY off. Get rid of text. Looks like a C4D put over the render?
You know, that was also the first thing I thought. And also that none of the effects match the stock.
Montage, we have told you MANY times not to slant your text whatsoever. If you do not listen to that TINY piece of advice, then you won't start getting better at text. Seriously, why do you keep doing so despite the advice on just about every single picture you have posted on here. Otherwise, colouring sucks, nothing matches up. I would recommend asking some of the better sig makers here how to make the colour schemes look better (I don't do much work in the area you do, and don't actually know how) Honestly, the same thing basically applies now as it did a while back. Look at tutorials and try to copy them, or ask someone specifically for details you need on how to do something.
My thoughts have already been said by the previous posts, but I have to say that your absolute #1 field that you need to improve on is the ability to learn. I cannot count how many times we have told you something you shouldn't do, but you do them instead.
Well let's look at the bright side first. You attempted flow, the c4D at least follows the render. That's the only bright side, here comes the bad. First thing I noticed, the border. Why the hell is it beveled(w/e on spelling). It looks like you're trying to have it pop out, which is never a nice looks. It's rather cheesy. Simple black, white, or neutral colors (grey, beige, etc. Softer tones) in a thin style, or thicker on just top & bottom or left & right. Next stop is text/colors. Minime is wearing a grey suit and is a skin toned, so how in the hell did you get hot pink, purple, and orange. Cooler colors would have been more suited. Everyone seems to be bitching about the slanted text, well so what. Slanted text can work fine, he was trying to get it to go along with the guns line. The colors in the text however, and the general blending of the text create a what-the-**** looks that makes no sense. Last is the background. Why is it a dark blue with random lines shooting out when everything else is a bright color. The lines are completly random, he's look straight/downward and the lines are shooting off to the top right.The render/stock doesn't blend in or follow with the background at all, everything looks like it's slapped on top of each other. My main issue is the border. From my week or so of absence though it looks like you've made some progress.