Mini-Game: Troy

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Frozenlynx, Mar 9, 2011.

  1. Frozenlynx

    Frozenlynx Forerunner

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    Accidentally posted this over in the normal Reach here it is in the right place (I think..)

    My friends and I played this game on Coagulation during the Halo 2 days with brute shots and had a blast. Didn't work in Halo 3 due to the lack of an arc on the weapon, but now that an arcing grenade launcher is back in the game, it's time for some war.

    Takes place in a walled off section of the Canyon location in Forge World. It's all outdoors and there are a few rocks around for cover. Works best with at least 8 players, but 12-16 would be the most exciting.

    3 rounds
    1 life
    No shields
    Bare minimum health
    Grenade launcher on spawn with 6 shots.

    Players spawn on either side of the map. In the center of the map is a series of coliseum walls blocking your view. These despawn after 30 seconds.

    You are to fire off all rounds of your grenade launcher toward the enemy's side before the divider despawns. Also, you may not hold the trigger down to detonate EMPs.

    Once the walls are gone, all players rush each other and try to kill their opponents with melee attacks. Obviously 1 hit and you're dead for the round.

    The fun here comes from avoiding the initial barrage of grenades catapulting through the air, followed by the intense duels that ensue when it comes down to the last few standing. Players dance around their opponents while waiting for them to melee just a half-second too early, and then it's in for the kill. I'm almost done with putting the pieces together and look forward to hopefully playing this with you guys on a TGIF.
  2. Spawn of Saltine

    Senior Member

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    I really like the idea of this. It would really capture the feeling of war way back when. One question though, how are you making the wall de-spawn in the middle?
  3. Frozenlynx

    Frozenlynx Forerunner

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    Hmm...I thought you could despawn objects after a certain amount of time for some reason. I've been checking it out and apparently not. From where you spawn you can't really see the other team anyways, so it might not be needed. I simply wanted it a a deterrent for players who wanted to cheat, though they could do it anyways if they really wanted. I'll see what I can do.
    #3 Frozenlynx, Mar 9, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2011
  4. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Why Honour rules? You could also change spawn traits and give players the ability to do weapon damage in the first 30 seconds of their life and after that, it won't work anymore. Anyways, i loved Troy and i like how in Halo: Reach it won't need honour rules anymore.
  5. Frozenlynx

    Frozenlynx Forerunner

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    Will melee damage still work this way? And I'm surprised you know of the gametype, I thought my friends and I had made it up.

    Edit: These traits can only be applied to a player who is respawning. The only way I could get around this would be to give everyone 2 lives, kill all players upon initial spawn, and respawn them on the battlefield. Kind of a lame workaround, but i'll give it a shot.

    The thing is, the honor rule is still there in a way. The point is that players are not allowed to approach eachother in the center until all shots have been fired. Within that 30 seconds, they could still move up the field and get some well-aimed shots off if they were so inclined. This does help prevent it to an extent of course.
    #5 Frozenlynx, Mar 9, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2011
  6. seredhras

    seredhras Forerunner

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    spawn them behind a wall, shoot, and the spawn a teleporter to teleprt them to another Area where they could melee each other and weapon damge was sero
  7. Frozenlynx

    Frozenlynx Forerunner

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    I've set it up so each team spawns in a room on their side of the map, dies instantly, and respawns on the battlefield with 30 seconds of time to fire their shots before reverting back to standard settings in which weapon damage is zero.

    I looked all over the settings for a way to do this without killing everyone first, but unless I'm missing something, it appears you can't set up the initial spawn so that players lose their ability to cause weapon damage after an allotted time period. It has to be a respawn to get it to work.
  8. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    The area where they get teleported to after a while , should be a hill*, and the score to win should be the lowest possible and people shouldn't be able to score until the Hill is uncontested by the enemy team. So when one team is eliminated the surviving team can score the points and win the Round. No Honour Rules, no problems.

    *Where Weapon Damage gets disabled.
  9. seredhras

    seredhras Forerunner

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    wow, I can't beleive I actually forgot to mention the hill, it was pretty important, lol
    thanks for filling that in
  10. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Why don't you just reverse your original setting? Instead of having a wall despawn, have two large walls in the beginning, one at each spawn, and then perhaps spawn a ramp lead up each wall into the middle?
  11. inomzu

    inomzu Forerunner

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    I've got another idea that also makes the option of bottomless ammo feasible. Create the previously mentioned hill (the one with 0% weapon damage traits), and within it a soft safe zone the exact size of the hill. Players are spawned outside the safe zone and can blast away as freely as they want within those ten seconds and must be in the safe zone before walls spawn in along the safe zone's edge to prevent players from "resetting" their warning timers.
  12. Frozenlynx

    Frozenlynx Forerunner

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    @Artifact: So basically just make the whole arena a hill? Sounds easy enough. Probably set it to about 5 sec capture.

    I think I have it figured out now. I'll place a low wall in the beginning that is just high enough to prevent anyone from jumping over. The zero-weapon damage hill will not extend to within this area. Then, after 30 seconds, ramps will spawn allowing players to exit and the battle will ensue from there.

    The 5 sec capture time will help make sure the hill gets contested in case anyone gets to the field immediately in an attempt to gain a quick win before the enemy has left their own initial spawn area.

    Thanks everyone for your help in setting up this game. I'll send some friend requests your way and hopefully we can get some games going in the near future.
  13. MrCheesy

    MrCheesy Forerunner

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    Wouldn't it be better if players had concussion rifles (they arc) instead of grenade launchers?

    What you could do is build two large platforms in the air (separated from each other by a vast expanse of air :surprise:) and then after, say 2 minutes, a bridge spawns connecting the two. A hill could also spawn covering the entire playing area, boosting player movement speeds so they can get to each other faster and making weapon damage 0%. So there's no need for honor rules.
    #13 MrCheesy, Mar 12, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2011
  14. Frozenlynx

    Frozenlynx Forerunner

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    That could be cool for a second map for the game-type. I already have the hill method being used as recommended by previous posters. As for the concussion rifle.. it does arc, but barely. I tried and they just didn't work as well.

    I have it set up so there are large walls blocking your view when you spawn. After 30 seconds, two teleporters spawn and take you to 1 of 3 receiver nodes on the other side of the wall. You are now in a hill that removes weapon damage (to prevent needing honor rules). Last man standing captures the hill. Round over.

    I just have some tweaks to do to prevent slight cheating, namely the fact that the hill can't quite cover the entire area since it's not a perfect rectangle. This means a player could stand just outside the hill and fire off grenades. Should be posting this to the mini-games section as soon as I can get some playtests in.

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