Do you have a good idea for a mini game, but cant forge it. Or do you want to forge a mini game, but don't know any idea for a game? Well your in luck, im calling in a mini game team, but you well have to be experienced, first say if you have an idea or if you want to forge. It should look like this Idea or Forge: Gamertage: How often you get on: I will gather 2 people(one for idea, and one for forge) so if you dont make it, then dont feel bad. If you have an idea, could you just send me a private message saying it. Thanks
Idea or Forge: I was thinking of making a large square of double boxes, then making floor panels with one hole in them. The humans would have to activate a switch to unblock the hole, while holding off the zombie that is coming down after them. Gamertag: Amer1can f0od How often you get on: I get on very regularly, usually every weekday from 3:00 PM EST to around 7 or 8. My problem is, I have a lot of good ideas, and I am a good forger, but I get bored to easily without someone to forge with. Also, I don't know how to put my ideas into action. (e.g. the switch thing.)
lol, just what i was looking for. I can help you put your ideas into action. Ill send you a friend request. However my brothers are also on my account, so if you inv me and i dont come its because of that
Alright, but it would help if you could give me a time frame of when you would be on, and also if you would give me a preview of your forging skills, like a previous map. One more thing, your gamertag would be helpful so I could know who it was sending me a friend request. Anyway, I hope to see you soon, and that we make tons of UB3R 1nt3rl0kz t0g37h3r.
i usually get on everyday GT: bobsagetismyhro(sent you a FR already) you can look at my blogs if you want to see pics of my maps im still working on