
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Yobo, Aug 18, 2011.

  1. Yobo

    Yobo Forerunner

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    Hey mods, can you delete this thread for me?

    #1 Yobo, Aug 18, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2011
  2. Frozenlynx

    Frozenlynx Forerunner

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    I liked the map, but my biggest peeve was the fact that every way up to the back hallway where the evade is requires you to jump. Now, the jumps are easy, mind you, but when you're trying to escape fire and being chased, it becomes a huge pain in the ass. I would add ramps leading up there on the sides next to each base.

    I liked the difficulty and vulnerability of accessing the rocket spawn, which contrasted nicely with how powerful it was from such a vantage point once you had it in your hands. The 2 shot nade launchers worked well, as did evade. DMRs worked pretty well on here too with the LoS's provided, though I think an AR or 2 on the map would be nice (if there were any, I didn't notice).

    Flag was **** because you didn't have the settings right, so I can't blame you for that. However, on a small map like this I've found setting up a custom flag game-type incredibly difficult to get just right. The spawns and short travel distances really work against you. I'd tried all sorts of settings to get it working on my own 2v2 map, Liberty, which is larger than this, so I'm not sure it will be possible to get an enjoyable flag game working.

    On a side note, I didn't really pick up on any "mining" theme. The rocks alone aren't enough to sell the concept IMO.
    #2 Frozenlynx, Aug 18, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2011
  3. Yobo

    Yobo Forerunner

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    Well, I will make a note of that ramp thing, anyways I didn't really do the spawns, X2 Sora helped me with it, he added spawn zones to make it work. Theres no ARs on the map, but I will add one. Oh I don't really know how to adjust the CTF gametype thing, so that might take a while for me to figure out.
    There were ramps, didn't you notice, there's one for each base.
    #3 Yobo, Aug 18, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2011
  4. Frozenlynx

    Frozenlynx Forerunner

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    You just open up the game-type options for whatever one you want to edit in the custom game lobby and tweak the settings, like how long it takes to respawn, what AAs you can have, and whether flag has to be at home to score or not. Like I said, I pretty much tried everything to get it working on my 2v2, but to no avail. You should try of course, but don't be surprised if it just doesn't work out.

    Spawns were okay during the slayer match we played as far as I could tell. On that map you probably only need two zones- one for each team, each covering precisely half of the map.
    #4 Frozenlynx, Aug 18, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2011
  5. Yobo

    Yobo Forerunner

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    Thnx I will get it right tomorrow, but now I gotta go to sleep, it's midnight here.
  6. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yep, other than some bad spawns this was kind of fun to test. I think that the sniper is in a great location. Before I had my doubts, but then after a few games I realized that it was not too difficult to get to nor was it too easy. I think you should try to expand your maps a bit more. They're really good, don't get me wrong, I just think you could have a bigger layout for a 2v2.

    I could really see 1v1 being quite fun. We should try that sometime.
  7. Frozenlynx

    Frozenlynx Forerunner

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    Wait...there was a sniper on this map? I think it's rockets now...up on the pedestal thingy in the center.
  8. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'm pretty sure it's still a sniper(?) Last time I played it was.
  9. Yobo

    Yobo Forerunner

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    No, I replaced it with a rocket, and added two grenade launchers, it played great.
    Well I might replace the Dmr with an Assault Rifle.
    #9 Yobo, Aug 19, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2011
  10. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I thought the sniper worked perfectly. Well, that's probably because I love the sniper; I'm not sure. Adding a rocket launcher and TWO grenade launcher will turn into a powerweapon fest.

    Invite me for some games so I can see if it works well.

    What is the ammo count and respawn times for the grenade launchers and rockets?
  11. Yobo

    Yobo Forerunner

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    Well getting the rocket launcher is both risky and rewarding, so it worked well. And the grenade launchers works great, not too powerful.
  12. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yeah, it could work, I just would like to know their respawn times and ammo count?
  13. Yobo

    Yobo Forerunner

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    Rocket: 130 spawn 0 spare clips
    2x Grenade Launchers: 100 spawn 1 spare clip
  14. Frozenlynx

    Frozenlynx Forerunner

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    On that map? Bump Rockets to 180 and GLs to 120-140.
  15. Yobo

    Yobo Forerunner

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    Ok Rockets 170
    and Gls 130
    Evade 10
    How bout that?
  16. Frozenlynx

    Frozenlynx Forerunner

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    Evade is incredibly powerful when no one else can even sprint. I'd make that 60-90.

    Drop spawn (placing weapons about 1 FU in the air, set to fixed physics, let go, hit "X" without grabbing them, and set back to normal physics) the Rockets (168 sec/respawn) and GLs (128 sec/respawn). The 2 seconds taken off the original times is the amount of time to takes the weapon to drop and settle.

    This will make it so that 1 minute into the game, the power weapons will disappear and respawn again at the proper time. If they aren't picked up within that initial minute, no one gets em until the next drop spawn occurs. If you set the "Max" setting to 2, this will mean the power weapons can spawn even if someone is holding one currently. This is nice because it means people can't hoard an empty rocket launcher just to make sure no one else gets it.

    Try it out.
  17. Yobo

    Yobo Forerunner

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    But do I have to take off two seconds off of the evade?

    By the way thanx for feedback and suggestion, I will be sure to try it out once I get online.
    #17 Yobo, Aug 19, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2011
  18. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I think the evade should be about a 40-60 second spawn, as there is not a lot of room on the map it is not as powerful I think. Also, I miss the spikers you had, they were really fun to pick up in my opinion.

    This is a fun map and although the weapon choice doesnt really appeal to me as much as I would like, and the only way up to the top hall is a jump (maybe just add some 1x2 ramps?) I love the design.
  19. Yobo

    Yobo Forerunner

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    Well I replaced the plasma pistol with a spiker last night.
  20. Frozenlynx

    Frozenlynx Forerunner

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    The 2 seconds is only needed if you want to drop-spawn something.

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