Mineral and Feral are my two entrys for the Smackdown contest. I dunno but if you are only able to submit one map. If you are only able to submit one map then I'll let you guys choose which one you like best. Let's start with Mineral. Mineral is set on Boneyard, the building where the banshee is. I have closed everything off so it is a real fun CQC map. Anyway here are some pics: Now lets' move onto Feral. Feral was a map that basketskate started. Some of you may remember Sapphire,my failed entry. Well basketskate gave me the unfinished map instead of helping me build a new one. So big big credit goes for him. Anyway the map itself is small and fast-paced, with high and low levels. Also there are some nice aesthetics. Here are the pics. That's all folks. Feedback is more than welcome and big credit goes for basketskate for helping me along the way. Thanks! Almost for got, here are the links to the maps... Mineral:File Share Halo Official Site Feral: File Share Halo Official Site
Haha, Feral looks cool man. I really do like what you did with the rocks and the grenade launcher was a pretty good choice, but there are soe problems I had from the test (already told you in the chatbox, but I will do it again ). The map is a bit too small. The floor over the health pack in the third picture was meant to be a counter position for where you currently have the GL, but there is only one way up there so it's not used to the best of its ability. Looking at that area again, it may need to be toned down as well. The map needs more structure, that was a mistake on my part. I believe you should move the GL for that top area, it along with that areas height advantage caused traffic to go through there almost constantly. As for the other map, it's an awesome idea, but I don't know how well it will work with the Smackdown gametype. I'm not seeing anything aside from some blocked entrances though.
Thanks for the feedback. I moved the GL to the place where the AR was in the 1st picture. The platform closest to the man-cannon.
dat man cannon and inclines in the 4th pic o.0 got me intrested. I like what you did with The Door/Man Cannon thing on Feral. One problem I can see on Feral Is that colly wall looks out of place and weird, other than that it looks cool.
I saw ferral a few weeks ago & I would like to address a major issue, unless it's been fixed already. The problem was the sniper spawning up on the highest point of the map, and the only way up there was a cannon across the map. The cannon was in a confined corner and the only way to get there was a teleporter. I believe that was also where you had the health pack as well. This makes a bad gaming experience for the person who doesn't get up there first. I also noticed that the majority of the spawn points were in the same corner under sniper and there were either no other spawn points or if there were, there were very few. Like I said, it's been a few weeks but I remember this map. These issues should really be taken care of if you want any chance in smack down.
Have you seen Refinery? Might want to compare and make sure there are some significant differences for Mineral.
Damn. Well I don't know what to say. Thought noone had thought of this idea of a map like this but they have. There arn't really much differences bewteen them. Only mine is focused on 1v1.
Lol maps made on boneyard, Feral looks pretty interesting, I love the way you used the ramps for bridges, and interesting cover pieces.
No, this is the map, just got the weapons wrong. I'll dl it & look again but you know what spot I'm talkin about. Once you're up there, the only way to contest it is the tele, to lift which is fail. Once I'm up there I can chill there & watch that teleporter. After I take another look, I'll recant my post if I'm wrong. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Yep. No sniper but you do have an endless supply of DMR and a frag spawning on the highest point of the map. Like I stated above, I can camp there and since I can see the sender node from that spot, I can toss a frag at the receiver when my opponent goes through and clean them up with a shot or two from that trusty DMR that spawns next to me. That makes the lift the only way up top and the tele is the only way to the lift room. There's no counter, I'm afraid that slanted wall isn't enough to even bounce nades. I've heard of rewarding the player for working his way to the top but this is giving the entire game over.
Thanks for that. I haven't encountered that in testing but next time I go on I'll get straight to work on fixing it. Thanks. Thanks for that. I haven't encountered that in testing but next time I go on I'll get straight to work on fixing it. Thanks. Edited by merge: After a nice test on Feral with basketskate (in which I got thrashed) I found some problems with the map. Soon after I started the make the changes and the new update is out. Here is a link to the updated Feral. File Share Halo Official Site
I see the changes you made and it's an improvement, but idk if you did it on purpose but the sender node that takes you up to that highest point I mentioned doesn't work unless you jump. I like the railings but that tele needs adjustment for sure. I'm sure you would have noticed next time you played it but I'll save you some time.
I updated the map yet again. Fixed the teleporter and made the whole map more aestheticly pleasing. Here is the link. File Share Halo Official Site