Plugins need to be updated and stuff still. Should be open again tomorrow. Sorry for all this but really its Notch's fault for updating so much.
Can I join? my username is just ER1C0 btw And I'm not going to blow everything up.. or anything like that. I'm more interested in seeing what goes on.. I might build things later if I know what to do lol
YouTube - twitchydeathn00b's Channel Go nuts. Em0srawk, ask that guy to add disabling of names and name boxes in SMP when he updates it.
Anyone here have any experiences with VPS/dedicated servers? If you do, I have a few questions to ask about Minecraft and VPS/dedicated servers. I'd rather hear about it from someone here then some guy that's getting paid to sell servers. I've looked all over the internet about Minecraft VPS/dedicated servers and of what they can do but it's all filled with a bunch of fancy computer talk that I don't quite get.
lol I always make sure the place I'm looking at looks legit before I start snooping around with their packages of plans available. :/ But really, no one has any good info/knowledge on VPS/dedicated servers?
I have some knowledge on Vps servers. Don't Use Mynecraft, Use the current Provider Craft Hub uses or Use provision host. I use them and they are great. It's fast support with ticketing and if youy need quick questions. they have a live chat with REAL PEOPLE :O They are cheap too. 20$ the first month to set up the server and such and then 11 every month. Has the regular 512 mb ram which supports 10 people but you can upgrade it to a 1gb ram. that would support 20 with minimal lag. Got to there site Provision Host | Affordable Hosting Solutions For Gamers
The server will be up soon to the public, and you can join all you want and build all you want. We are moving the server so we can get a carto of the map :3. If you don't know Crafthub is paying 200$ per month for everything we need from Allgamer. Thats how it goes tho. :/.
Would you guys mind if I took some of your pictures for a school Project I'm doing? ATM, I'm failing the class and really need to turn this thing in. =/
It's for Computer Graphics. Here's an example: My name is Sean and I'm an Astronaut. I'd put a pic of an astronaut, some effects around my name and the word Astronaut, etc. I used for the Minecraft pics, "My name is Sean and I'm Creative." (But I'm not creative, so I used a wallpaper of Minecraft.) *Shrug*
OH NOES NOTCH GOT RID OF /HOME! [/spampost] EDIT: Just asked twitchydeathn00b for a minecraft mod..... Crap. : Just found the list of the flashing text things: (this is as of V1.2.3) Spoiler Pre-beta! As seen on TV! Awesome! 100% pure! May contain nuts! Better than Prey! More polygons! Sexy! Limited edition! Flashing letters! Made by Notch! Coming soon! Best in class! When it's finished! Absolutely dragon free! Excitement! More than 500 sold! One of a kind! Heaps of hits on YouTube! Indev! Spiders everywhere! Check it out! Holy cow, man! It's a game! Made in Sweden! Uses LWJGL! Reticulating splines! Minecraft! Yaaay! Alpha version! Singleplayer! Keyboard compatible! Undocumented! Ingots! Exploding creepers! That's not a moon! l33t! Create! Survive! Dungeon! Exclusive! The bee's knees! Down with O.P.P.! Closed source! Classy! Wow! Not on steam! 9.95 euro! Half price! Oh man! Check it out! Awesome community! Pixels! Teetsuuuuoooo! Kaaneeeedaaaa! Now with difficulty! Enhanced! 90% bug free! Pretty! 12 herbs and spices! Fat free! Absolutely no memes! Free dental! Ask your doctor! Minors welcome! Cloud computing! Legal in Finland! Hard to label! Technically good! Bringing home the bacon! Indie! GOTY! Ceci n'est pas une title screen! Euclidian! Now in 3D! Inspirational! Herregud! Complex cellular automata! Yes, sir! Played by cowboys! OpenGL 1.1! Thousands of colors! Try it! Age of Wonders is better! Try the mushroom stew! Sensational! Hot tamale, hot hot tamale! Play him off, keyboard cat! Guaranteed! Macroscopic! Bring it on! Random splash! Call your mother! Monster infighting! Loved by millions! Ultimate edition! Freaky! You've got a brand new key! Water proof! Uninflammable! Whoa, dude! All inclusive! Tell your friends! NP is not in P! Notch <3 ez! Music by C418! Livestreamed! Haunted! Polynomial! Terrestrial! All is full of love! Full of stars! Scientific! Cooler than Spock! Collaborate and listen! Never dig down! Take frequent breaks! Not linear! Han shot first! Nice to meet you! Buckets of lava! Ride the pig! Larger than Earth! sqrt(-1) love you! Phobos anomaly! Punching wood! Falling off cliffs! 0% sugar! 150% hyperbole! Synecdoche! Let's danec! Seecret Friday update! Reference implementation! Lewd with two dudes with food! Kiss the sky! 20 GOTO 10! Verlet intregration! Peter Griffin! Do not distribute! Cogito ergo sum! 4815162342 lines of code! A skeleton popped out! The Work of Notch! The sum of its parts! BTAF used to be good! I miss ADOM! umop-apisdn! OICU812! Bring me Ray Cokes! Finger-licking! Thematic! Pneumatic! Sublime! Octagonal! Une baguette! Gargamel plays it! Rita is the new top dog! SWM forever! Representing Edsbyn! Matt Damon! Superfragilisticexpialidocious! Consummate V's! Cow Tools! Double buffered! Fan fiction! Flaxkikare! Jason! Jason! Jason! Hotter than the sun! Internet enabled! Autonomous! Engage! Fantasy! DRR! DRR! DRR! Kick it root down! Regional resources! Woo, face Woo, somethingawful! Woo, /v/! Woo, tigsource! Woo, minecraftforum! Woo, worldofminecraft! Google anlyticsed! Now supports ���! Give us Gordon! Tip your waiter! Very fun! 12345 is a bad password! Vote for net neutrality! Lives in a pineapple under the sea! MAP11 has two names! Omnipotent! Gasp! ...! Bees, bees, bees, bees! Jag känner en bot! This text is hard to read if you play the game at the default resolution, but at 1080p it's fine! Haha, LOL! Hampsterdance! Switches and ores! Menger sponge! idspispopd! Eple (original edit)! So fresh, so clean! Slow acting portals! Try the Nether! Don't look directly at the bugs! Oh, ok, Pigmen! Finally with ladders! Scary! Play Minecraft, Watch Topgear, Get Pig
I just bought the game and deleted the pirated version. This ^^^^ is what my world looks like. Im so ****ing proud of myself.
I don't want to play minecraft that much any more... I didn't like Single Player because it just got boring with noone to talk to, and now that SMP has damage and creepers on my favorite servers, everything just gets blown up.