I'm making an awesome multiplayer map atm in single player. If you want it when I'm finished, I'd be happy to admin your server, thanks! Lol.
Kingdom of Haven ;D I would be glad to have you in my community. I've already recruited a nice list of FH members so far and having a few more wouldn't hurt. ;D At the moment, I have the whitelist off so you COULD just join but what would be the fun in that? You'll miss out on the various threads we have and you'll also miss the epic bed-time story I've been telling my users every night. ;D
Damnit I NEED to get back on the server! My Fable 3 kingdom is kinda massively in debt so I think I'm going to drop that and get back on Minecraft because of the SMP HEALTH UPDATE! WOOOOOOH! Random fact: KOH stands for KOH (kind of) and Kingdom of Haven
I could donate a couple thousand gold honestly since I have so much from my first play though that I transferred over... So basically right from the start I had like a million gold that I could use on buying everything I could... So yeah, I have a lot of gold saved up. Hopefully when health and monsters become kill-able it won't be super glitchy. I don't care how long it takes for them to fix health/monsters, I just want the ****ing block lag to be fixed. Oh god, do I hate that so much.
Health is out now... Have to wait for ANOTHER Hey0 update Wait, do you want me to come back or not? . 200k in debt and I've only made 2 decisions and I guess that you know that I have to raise 6.5 million - I'm also meant to be being a good guy so expect that debt to get greater. Going serioiusly off topic; I can't believe my sister convinced me to kill Logan against my will and then said 'I didn't expect you to listen to me'. SERIOUSLY FEELING GUILTY FACE --> <
The server should be up 24/7 since I'm no longer hosting it from my home computer. Right now, the server is down since I'm trying to get it updated to the latest client/server thing from Notch. And about the only time my server restarts is when either I restart it or at 4:00am everyday where the server restarts automatically, besides those restarts that only take a few seconds to complete, the server should be up at all times though.
The last update caused a lot of lag for some reason. All I know is that in almost every smp server I've gone in it says "Lag is caused by the update"
Just finished the first wall on my 127x127 pyramid (would've been 128x128, but I wanted 1 block to go on top).
Not an official one but it seems my SMP server seems the most popular right now with the FH members here.