amazing flying city mod Skylands - Custom world that is entirely in the sky! - Minecraft Forum - Official Minecraft Forums
lol I just made a new account on singleplayer, made a house, went looking for coal, got lost, made a new house, left it for coal, got lost, got killed by a spider, looked for my newer house than my spawn house, couldn't find it, night came, hid in a tree, went looking for my newer house, got caught at night again, made a house in a giant, tall tree, looked down in the morning and saw 2 skellies and 2 creepers below me, turned it to peaceful and back to easy so they'd be gone, made a water elevator, planted trees on top of my tree, perfected the water elevator design so the boat can't get stuck at the bottom, and came on here I made the new account because on my old one I got lost, got more lost, got even MORE lost, made a house, made stacks of torches, used them as breadcrumbs back to the new house, power outage happened, reloaded the game, and my torches were gone so I gave up Worst.... day.... in.... Minecraft.... ever.
Haha, I would be way too embarassed to upload that. Anyway, got Minecraft not so long ago, got Reach, played for a couple of days, went back to Minecraft, I don't know why but I constantly want to play Minecraft when I'm on Reach, because I want to make massive towers and buildings, then all I end up doing is mining.
LOL That was the worst demonstration of making a fireplace EVER My fireplace is way better Well, it was 'til I deleted that world lol, my tree house is coming along, so I guess m day wasn't that bad I just planted trees on top of it, they grew into ANOTHER giant tree, I made a ladder from the top of my first tree to that, connected those trees on top to ANOTHER giant tree on the mountain adjacent to my tree, planted trees on top of those, and then THEY grew into 2 giant trees, so I made ladders up to them and connected them to each other with another bridge, and now I am starting a mine beside my tree Minecraft is the best time killer ever when waiting for Reach. They sent me a French copy of it for some reason -_- Now, I have to wait 'til Friday to make the exchange for an English version. Hopefully I still get my pre-order bonuses
Download the new client while the minecraft servers are fixed Ohh BTW, it's free to play for everyone atm.
Notch is replacing some servers and it will hopefully be back up tomorow EDIT: the servers are back up now, but classic is down at the moment.
the servers for the alpha version were up a little while ago after a couple of days of them being down for upgrades. Notch has not returned the classic servers because he is waiting for everything to even out.
I keep stumbling upon caverns, I've barely had to mine down and I'm already knee deep in diamonds, but so many god damn skeletons