About a week ago, I started my 29th world on the 360 version of Minecraft. And it's better than the others that I started previously. I've found an Abandoned Mineshaft and a Stronghold. The really cool part about this Stronghold is that it has an intact, inactive End portal. I'm leaving it like that until TU9 comes out which will have the End included (If I have to start a new world just to get the End, I'm gonna be pissed). The best part was when I built my Netherportal. I went through to get a lay of the Nether and would you believe that when I turned to my right, I saw a Nether Fortress, complete with Blaze Spawners. This world has been the best out of all the worlds I've started before. I want to give it a proper name, but I just can't think of one (the name right now is New World 29). I'm really stoked about both TU9 cause it's gonna have a bunch of new stuff in it(I'm hoping an Adventure mode and texture packs are among the new things), and the upcoming Skin Pack 4, which'll be out this Wednesday.
No probs dude. Seed number is 2728247661105109131. For The Nether portal, stand at map coordinates X: -147 Y: 72 Z: 356 and build it there. When you go through, you'll have clear sight of the Nether Fortress. For access to the Stronghold, stand at map coordinates X: 13 Y: 72 Z: 246 and just dig straight down and look around for stone brick blocks. And finally, for the Abandoned Mineshaft, head to coordinates X: -411 Y: 64 Z: 311 and head down into the cave. It'll be close to the cave entrance. Any other questions, just let me know It was freaking amazing that I found all this stuff. And it was just by sheer dumb luck that I placed my Nether portal where it is that allowed me to find the Nether Fortress. As for the Stronghold, I was just screwing around in the underground, trying to find my way out when I found it. Not only that, but there was wolf down there! The big question I had was how did a wolf get all the way down there.
Yeah, I played with that mod a bit and set one off to see what would happen. Needless to say, it crashed my PC and I won't be letting off one of those any time soon. Epic world hole though.
Thanks for the cool seed. That nether fortress is huge. Btw, I'm looking for some people to help me build a midieval themed world with towns and settlements.
I've got Minecraft on PC. For reasons unexplained though after a while all the links and shortcuts to the login page for the server just... Stopped working... Im not buying it again unless its on XBOX. Anyone got any suggestions? The only thing I can think of is uninstalling and reinstalling whilst using my Minecraft account. Would love to get back on this game I had one world I which Ive actually set up shop on a mountain. Had a watchtower on it, several waterfalls, trees and a few other things.
Kinda confused, You mean the server list? The reason why they stopped working is because they are running an older version of minecraft See the "1.4.7" next to the ping bar? Thats what version they are running. If it has green bars like the bottom one, that means its running the same version you are.
Skin pack 4 for minecraft 360 is pretty cool. It has spartans, assasins creed 3, and gears of war 3. But my favorite is the fancy creeper.
So you can't log in via the client or something? Try making sure your password is correct (lol) or using an email address rather than a username.
It's not that, what I mean is that the actual client won't load. I keep pressing all the ways I know of to get it up but nothing happens. It seems like it tries to load but doesn't, no error message or anything.
So it never opens at all? Sounds like a PC prob, not MC Also, in 1.5, I've had mobs go through my nether portal and camp it in the nether. First time it was a Zombie, and I didn't think much of it.. But the second time, I was level 27 with all my stuff on me.. and it was a creeper. So as soon as I went through i was dead. It broke the portal and destroyed everything around it. Moral of the story, Somehow wire up something to close your nether portals.
Or, put them inside a building with doors and not in the middle of a field lol. Anyway, doing some experimenting with hoppers and what not trying to make a fully auto egg/feather/cooked chicken farm. Found some built by others and have put them together in my own way. What I'm having trouble with is chickens glitching through blocks or suffocating on apparently nothing when they grow up. Any ideas?
Anybody know a good mod for small boats? And maybe a good rail upgrade mod? Nothing large, just enough to add a little to the game. I've thought about flan's mod with only select parts
Railcraft. Anything else pales in comparison and it's not too hard to get started with either, and it adds soo much automation to the game.
It started off looking interesting but then I realized it is just another one of those mods that adds too many of its own resources... I would rather have new recipes involving iron, wood, coal, and redstone; none of that steel and creosote obnoxiousness. I can easily see how that would be interesting to some people but it just adds too much in one area...