THAT MAP. I WANT. Do you know how to go into appdata and pack a map to send to others? If not PM me and I can explain in detail.
Anyone know which cheat client to use for Minecraft? I can't figure out how to use mine and I did go to Minepedia for help.
Do you want to mod you Survival Campaign or Hacks For Classic? For hacks for Classic get the Wom client, you must have an account with them though. and for Survival, go to the Minecraft official forums then to map/modding, you will see many map modding and invetory. Ps. i dont advise you to use mods or hack for survival... ruins the fun. but for classic its okay, it makes everything easy.
Well if you are going to change your skins then go ahead, but anything that will ruin gameplay then dont. I also have a custom skin but modding invetory and map= no no, whats the fun of making 100x100 blocks of diamond or make u have everything?
entrance to the giant cave ^^ giant cave ^^ my lava wall house ^^ CREDIT TO JOHNNYMOKMOK who cut this out
If your still trying to get your server running, download teamspeak and add my skype contact and I will help you from there. "iamb3nw" If you want to talk on MSN or AIM then PM me for them. I do not like posting them willy nilly.
I just need to know how to reset the root password. For some reason, even though I've never used MySQL before, it asks me for a current root password in order to proceed with the setup of the server instance.
Server is up Now I just have two questions: 1) Can you change the original spawn? If so how? 2) How to you load up a flatmap?
I don't even know what that is Thanks, now I just need to make a huge highway to where we started construction.
Just try a default password. I believe that will just be root. You could try UN: Admin PW: admin/password. Just google it brah
Draco, if you're setting up your server ready for when mobs can actually attack you, then I have a great set-up idea if you want reset your server and restart
Root doesn't work for me. Niether does password, admin, pass, or administrator. I want to know how to reset the password.
Quick google got this: MySQL :: MySQL 5.1 Reference Manual :: B.5.4.1 How to Reset the Root Password But I expect you already googled it