Not really much to change besides a status and dedicate some land to a project. I don't think I'm asking for very much. Even though I wouldn't ever grief anyone, it's called a backup. If you don't have one, it's really your fault if you want the stuff and can't get it back. Not saying I approve of griefing at all.
Careful, I saw a video of that, and there's 9 blocks of TNT under a pressure plate in the bottom room. You can just collect that by breaking it right? That won't set it off? I've never played with TNT much.
Mhm. Your asking a lot. Not to mention no server admin in their right mind would give you the right to kick others. They wouldn't even know you. Not to mention, they make the rules, not you, and you'll be begging them, not them begging you. Edit that and make it sound less like your the supreme ruler of the universe and at least one idiot with enough processing power will let you on. Edit: New snapshot's awesome. Skeptical on the non-dedicated server feature, because of the inevitable griefing that will ensue.
MCSG has just added some 48 slot servers, and to celebrate this, I was thinking of hosting a map -building event. Anyone here who wants to join is invited, and will have access to voxelsniper, worldedit, etc... The event will run from Friday, 6:00 to 9:00 (GMT -4) Sunday by which time the map will be tweaked, and submitted for review. Is anyone interested? Message me for the ip, or ask here. The maps theme will be the 2nd Quarter Quell.
To be honest, you're right, at least partially. I didn't think I was asking much tbh. I think I can remove the mod thing. I did put in that if I break the server rules then by all means ban me, but not because I want to do something different with the project besides what they want. I spent a lot of time and effort (not to mention posterboard) designing and redesigning the project and I feel I should get at least partial power over what goes on for the project. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Lol. Please read above for my response.
It kills me every time I open my inventory. Seriously every time I do the stupid tutorial thing opens up and freezes my controls so I can only go to the dashboard.
So just go onto a server and start building. If anyone tries to make changes to whatever the **** you want to build (You still haven't even told us yet), then tell them to **** off. Seriously, nobody's gonna give you absolute power over a server just to build something cool.
The easiest solution is to pay for your own server. To reiterate/paraphrase: lol. In other news, has the newest snapshot been taking forever to boot worlds for you guys?
Yea. I think it has something to do with the whole split client thing in single player dicking about. Plus it seems like every other time I load a world me and a variety of NPCs and mobs are floating around in the void.
Trading is by far the coolest thing added to this update. Before, i didnt even bother to know or care about different types of villagers; today I spent 4 hours trading over and over, learning through testing and the MCwiki about their skills. I didnt even know they could have babies until today. Also Pyramids are way smaller than I expected, but still awesome. Gives more reason to go into desert now.
I think the pyramids can be improved upon honestly. I would be lying if I said I wasn't expecting Desert "Strongholds".
This has never happen to me. I think tutorials only pop up if you're playing in the tutorial world. Whenever I Play I don't see any tutorials... Edit: Has anyone notice the Akira reference on the main menu. "Kaaneeeedaaaa!" my face lit up when I seen this. I know the PC version has an Akira reference too. But instead it says "Teetsuuuuoooo!"
Pretty interesting: Derpiest Drawbridge Evurr - YouTube Apparently you can do this with just 5 golems and water at the bottom
A note worthy thing about the snapshot: being that it runs of the server.jar now, pausing the game doesn't pause the game. Imminent creeper creeps.
If you really want to know a better and more likely scenario to get your thing built is to become good friends with a server admin by not making idiotic demands like that, build your thing in single player creative and then ask the admin to copy paste it in. Saying things MUST be done in order for a server to have the right to have you build something on it without even slightly showing that you can even build anything interesting or even giving any indication of what it is, is never going to happen. People are not going to give power (any power) to someone they don't trust. Doing so either ends up with something that either looks like **** or breaks what they are trying to have their server run like.