...what parts? I mean, do you understand the fundamental concept of the game, you build stuff and try to survive?
Making a suggestion to other newbies like me... Watch out when your digging sand, I was trying to dig a hole underneath my house, I hit some sand, and I hit that magical block of sand that knocked down like 100 other sand blocks and fell into a big cave, only to be mauled by skeletons that fell down with me.
Does anyone know any seeds for the world generator? And what exactly does the seeds do? I tried randomly generating a world and it look like crap compared to the tutorial (obviously).
Seeds are generated worlds that are the same for every person. For example noxy mentioned the glacier seed earlier. If I put that in as the seed I would see all the same things noxy would at those specific geographic locations.
Glacier is one of the most popular seeds from the old world generation algorithm (what the XBLA MC runs on currently). Here's a great seed, "404" without the quotes. At spawn you'll see some gravel. Dig around in it until you find your surprise. You may start out in the wrong location, though. Pull out your map and head to the very center, that's where the gravel secrets await. Once we see the update to beta 1.8 you can kiss these seeds goodbye! Try them before the update or you'll never be able to.
I don't understand any of this yet but hopefully tonight I'll be joining all the fun as a noob who's never played MC before
The tutorial is very good. I had to rely on the minecraft wiki when I first started on the pc. The xbox version holds your hand with just about everything. As someone mentioned earlier, the ability to turn some of the overlays off for people who know the controls would help.
agreed maybe that will come in a later update? i hope so because while they were helpful while crafting after you got used to it they just got in the way.
I felt like that to the first time I played this game, but as soon you play with some experienced friends you will love the game, trust me! I spent my entire day playing with friends today. We built a pretty good house with a farm and infinite water sauce. I managed to tame 3 wolves and put them in a fence I made next to the farm also. We also spent at least 5 minecraft days digging in this cave we found. Ah, good times, good times. I can't wait until the rest of us get this game so we can 8-man dig a cave!
Aha ya same I can't wait I have 20 bucks ready I just got to find time to walk to the store and by a card.
My friend and I are making the worst house imaginable (in terms of design). So far it has 32 rooms and 3 massive cobblestone towers.
I feel like this is a game I could sink a lot of time into, but I also feel like it's incomplete. Notch released the "finished" version too soon, and it could be a lot better. I'll have to wait on some more updates for 360 before I pick it up.
I just cant convince myself to buy it for xbox. My crappy computer runs minecraft perfectly fine. I just dont think i could go back to looking at default textures. not after all these HD textures and MODs. The only reason i would get it would be to play with all of you but i also already play with most of FH/GoO on the servers..... 1st world problems Would you guys be interested in me throwing a Minecraft TGIF ? im pretty good with redstone/building so i would build minigames
We got pretty screwed on this one. :/ No creative mode, no map sharing (like they said there was going to be), the update is SO far back none of the map seeds are there, no different biomes, you can't save a friends world even in game, the maps are small as hell with invisible barriers, there is no end world, no enderman and they even forgot to mention split screen is only for hd. For $5 more than it was on pc. Why?? Anyone know of any plans of them fixing it?
The most notably being hits not registering on mobs. I don't recall that glitch being in the PC version, and it is definitely a huge inconvenience.