It seems that the creeper reach is 2 instead of one, and oh god, I forgot how OP skellies are when you can't run or block their Arrows. Also, I wish they would have implemented some how to make your own skin. Like on that one DS game where you draw your own character and ****. That would have been awesome.
All I know is that the PC version of MC NEEDS to add a tutorial like the xbla one has. The wiki shouldn't be required for a game to work for beginners.
I'm playing the trial version. Had the most effed up moment ever where a skeleton dropped down a ladder into my house and got stuck. But it didn't just end at the skeleton getting stuck, he couldn't attack me and he wouldn't ****ing die! I must of slashed him like 50 times. Then I gave up, started digging deeper into the hole I was digging, then the skeleton somehow became unstuck because it followed me down the hole and I was able to kill it.
Hopefully there will be a website soon where you can customize your skin, texture pack, mods, etc. And it will then update onto your xbox. Like how you can edit your avatar and stuff on
I never played minecraft before and this is my first time. I can't believe what I was missing! This game is soo much fun! As soon as my trial ran out, I immediately bought the game. So far I modified one of the houses after the tutorial to have a second floor. Currently I ****ed myself up with some falls and a creeper exploded on me and I am now looking food to heal. I can't wait until the rest of my friends get this. We Plan on spending the entire day tomorrow playing...
Don't know when I'll be able to buy the game, but it is fun... I got relatively lucky when it came to the creepers. One time, I accidentally triggered one to explode as I was climbing a ladder out of my house, it only put one little hole in the roof. Other time, the explosion almost hit my house, but it didn't.
That would be a hack as normal modders don't have access to the minecraft for xbox code or the ability to compile it.
Everything is amazing, especially the tutorial. My only wish is that we could map our own controls. I hate having to press B to leave the inventory, I think Y would be more intuitive.