I can run a 756x texture pack (Some insane guy posted it on MC forums) on far render distance with sonicethers shaders. But I did that just for the lols, the textures were so high res they looked fugly. I ran it with 3GB of DDR3 on my hexacore 3.6 ghz processor (turbo-boost) and my ATI Radeon 6800. Around 40 fps.
Aside from using it to brag over who has the bigger computer *****, why would you need that kind of processor? That must've cost a fortune.
It did. I do not play my games like the average person. I rush to download and install as many graphic and FPS heavy gameplay mods as possible, then pray that my computer doesn't blow up.
the height limit has been increased to 256 in the latest snapshot. also, redstone powered light blocks it's a whole new ballgame.
The lights are awesome. But the new height limit is what interests me. Anyone super-excited to see what we can do with voxelsniper with this much space?
10 years? Me thinks that's a little exaggerative. But yeah, it wouldn't need upgrading for a long time, that's for sure.
I've had a hardcore map for about two weeks now. The longest I've survived on hardcore. I have awesome tree houses and a few chests full of loot and stuff. If I die at this point I will rage quit from life.
Well bukkit is going to be integrated into minecraft vanilla servers. Along with getting a huge code overall and some features like client mods in smp, while jeb will be adding toggle-able client mods from the in-game menu. This also means mods won't break upon updates. Obviously he needs to do so without severely limiting mods. We should expect most of these things in 1.3. For anyone who knows about the Spout project, it will most certainly die. Which is quite a waste of effort. TL;DR Client mods in smp, auto-downloading to the client upon join, toggle-able client mods from the main menu, and above all, mods that don't break. Keep in mind old bukkit features will still be there.
Windmill, Windmill for the land. Turn forever hand in hand. Take it all there on your stride. It is sinking, falling down. Love forever love is free. Let's turn forever you and me. Windmill, windmill for the land. Is everybody in?
Gorillaz-El Manana Official Video [HQ-HD-Lyrics] - YouTube Get it right. But it is badass. Spout sounded like a good idea, until you realize hackers can inject your **** and cause everyone that plays on your sever get viruses out the ****.