Time for some picture dump of what I've been doing in minecraft these past few days. Pokepixel art Spoiler Me and Tusk's Creeper house, and Uptown house Spoiler Side view of the house, with greenhouse 1st floor 2nd Floor 3rd Floor, dance floor, bar and balcony shown 3rd Floor, TV TREES, EVERYDAY ALL DAY Me and Tusk's secret hot tub Uptown house, first two floors are boring, but the basement is kinda cool Basement Me and Tusk also did a shitton of rearranging around the creeper house, like adding a patio, stairs to the road, switching some stairs, etc. Also I finished up the road thing in my free time.
The alpha SMP servers are absolutely ridiculous. Some people can't connect to them even though they paid money for the game... while others can connect easily. I gave up on multiplayer long ago.
Yah, the new update nearly brought down the servers. I think they are down now actually. Notch said he is going to get a new server. Want me to list what is in the update? Because one of the features I am so glad to have because now I do not need a persister (which didn't work anyway -.-)
Can we say Official Fh Survival Multiplayer? Maybe... But at the same time it's great the Servers went down, now Mongoose can load up the software I gave him and we can start with the new server, Mongoose if you need the maps, just pm me and i'll upload them for you to dl, the maps that I have 100% completed are FlatGrass (SpawnWorld), Hills/Mountains Map, Cavern, Ocean, Ruins. Im testing right now The spleef map and dungeon gametype map, If anyone wants to join the test for the dungeon map then feel welcome, I will host the server and pm anyone the link to it.
Does everyone on the map require the new software? Because I know McZall hasn't been made for macs and we'd be completely screwed otherwise.
Mong, the new update fixes loads of bugs. I think you should put up the server (but make it private to develop it first)
I think I will not put the Dungeon "GameType" On the Classic Server But better on the Survival Server (If made) Because It would work better as they already have a Dungeon System. And then u would be able to fight back and have health. But i believe that the Survival server should be like whoever has the most items and best building and stuff is like the best and obviously you can work in teams, so when u feel like it you can get ur team or u by yourself and enter the dungeon, which has like 10 lvs each lv u pass u get greater and greater things, the last chest after u defeat a horde of zombie and suicide bomber (***** exploder, Creeper) then can go ahead and get the chest which contains i will put like 8 diamonds and many iron and usefull tools. Does this sound good?
You guys are seriously addicted. There's so much drama over this game. Mongoose has already said he wants to host the freebuild. If you guys really want an SMP server, Bloo or I will host it.
noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo dont do a snow level! way to ****ing annoying oh also post the server IP when its up, or in the OP
I believe the Official SMP Server belongs to Bro Jay. Also, I'll get around to installing MCZall tomorrow. MySQL is being a ***** and won't set up properly, and I'm too tired to figure it out right now.