So I'm working on a new red stone machine. Here's a hint. It has something to do with this. Minecraft Cake Defense - YouTube
No it's that. A fully functioning, single player, red stone mob arena with progressing levels and working scoreboard. Redesigned (from scratch without looking at his design) and reskinned to make a new experience for cake defense fans.
@Chuck & Tranchuman Plus; Two things, 1. is it just a coinicdence you have related signatures? 2. What anime is that? Now, OT. Are you using the mob eggs to handle how the rounds will be played out in your arena survival thingy?
They are super best friends and i's the new Avatar. As in the last airbender not the anti Bush themed copy of Pocahontas. And mob eggs don't work like that, you have to place them like normal blocks. Can't even throw them like normal eggs.
Yeah first of all you would need to place the eggs and secondly you can only activate them while in creative.
I used the mob selection mod but I am trying to do this without mods so it is a downloadable save file. Everything is done in vanila and mcedit.
World edit works fine to do this. Here is the code if you need it: //set 52|Zombie/Spider/Skelly/etc. The "|" Key is the one above Enter/return + Shift.
I'm pretty sure you can put a mob egg into a dispenser then when it gets power it pops out the mob. In which case, you can just create the map in creative then change it to a survival map when you're done.