Minecraft in it's original state was a fairly unique and well done idea, however, it was quickly copied multiple times with slight variances to attract a different market of people. i.e. Terraria, that weird xbox-live copy of minecraft, etc. Notch realized that these other versions of his game could pose a threat to Minecraft in the late future and has, since the release of Terrraria especiallly, been releasing new content faster that mimics some of the ideas found in these copied games. The potions system in Terraria is fantastic and Notch, wanting to capture those variances that people want, is having to emulate them but he is going above and beyond by improving upon these variations i.e. adding enchantments, more varied terrain heaven, hell and the normal terrain, NPC's etc. From a business standpoint, it's extraordinarily intriguing watching the evolution of this game. Notch hit the market first with a great idea that was put together well and he is having to tread new waters to stay ahead of the competition with innovations and new ideas.
Waylander doesn't understand that Minecraft is a Survival RPG. He thinks you're just supposed to build houses.
Adding new features to make the game more appealing to more people is fine. Making them a required action is something else entirely. Not everyone who buys this game will want to eat food or make potions just to be able to live long enough to do what they actually want to do. You want to risk losing stuff for a more exciting experience then fine good on you but it should not get in the way of me wanting to build cool ****.
gonna have to say that if you don't like the way its going, then you're **** out of luck. The game is still a beta, it's gonna change. If you don't like having to use something, either downgrade to a previous .jar file, play on creative mode, or just stop playing. With that said, there is a reason it's called survival mode. I don't really consider it much of a challenge to kill much of anything in 1.8, but if they up the damage the mobs do and lower how much I can do to them, then I will be happy. If anything, I can just go down to easy or peaceful while I'm trying to gather supplies and ****.
I liek servers Pretty much what I do, just prefer having more of a challenge without having to use potions. It's not a big deal, I knew it was heading this way
Except part of the fun I have is working on large projects with other people. And I like having to work towards a goal. There is no sense of accomplishment if I can just 'clap my hands' and have everything I need to do a project. I would quickly run out of ideas and then become bored. As it is gathering the materials I need gives me enough time doing low mental activity jobs like mining Obsidian or digging my massive underground room that I have time to come up with some really cool ****. If I had to constantly worry about gathering food or making potions to fight off mobs while I'm doing that I'll never get anything actually done. MY point is that Notch is making it too extreme. It's either all survival or all creative. No middle ground, and that is where I want to be. Not to hard but not to easy either. Just a nice chilled out experience.
It's still pretty difficult on easy. I'm crossing my fingers though for the final version, hopefully there will be an easier mode lol or easy will actually be easy
You're a vag if you think easy is hard. I usually play on hard, but here lately i've been trying to get used to the new stuff before i switch back over.
:.( easy is damn hard, especially with poison spiders. I dun like to die. There should be a checkpoint system within caves (besides using a bed). Something in a dungeon or mine would be nice.
Check this **** out then Gr4phix Spoiler Minecraft: SkyBlock Survival Ep. 1 - Cobblestone Generator - YouTube Minecraft: SkyBlock Survival Ep. 2 - Water and Wood - YouTube Minecraft: SkyBlock Survival Ep. 3 - Beautification - YouTube Minecraft: SkyBlock Survival Ep. 4 - Mob Trap - YouTube Minecraft: SkyBlock Survival Ep. 5 - The Fall - YouTube Minecraft: SkyBlock Survival Ep. 6 - Recovery - YouTube Minecraft: SkyBlock Survival Ep. 7 - Super Mobs - YouTube
Play Terraria. It has all the stuff you want and none of the stuff you don't like. The only difference is it's 2D.