Needs moar originality, 1/5 Seriously, I've seen those made about 3 weeks ago, we need to brainstorm cool ****.
frogger eh? [br][/br]Edited by merge: Rock paper Scissors (Auto-win detector) tutorial Minecraft Project tutorial on rock paper scissors. Minecraft: Rock, Paper, Scissors Tutorial! - YouTube
Orlly? I accept that challenge. edit: It's impossible to spawn a ghast out of a wolf by ramming it at 88mph in a boat.
---> <--- While searching for a glowstone armor mod, all that showed up was topics for ideas about how fragile it would be... and then i had this thought in my head about using glowstone as a piece of construction in a stronger armor set. I made up some ideas for this mod to be made. Each item emits a glowing effect around the player which lights up the area round them depending on how many of the glowstone items they are wearing... any suggestions? step 1: Start by smelting glowstone to create a block with a darker shade but as a bar. step 2: The second material used for crafting these glowstone items, obsidian, would be CRAFTED into bars, shown below. step 3: Once the materials have been made, simply craft the items as such. (bars shown as blocks) armor: tools (exclusion of the spade): step 4: I thought about adding a second set of crafted items, as to put a use to enderpearls, shown below. ender-whip: long reach, does little damage, stuns enemies, can grab objects from 6 blocks away. ender-rod: allows players to move any block or creature within seconds (does not destroy block or hurt mob) sort of like how the force works (from star wars). ender-bow/ender-arrow: only works when using both items, teleports player to where arrow lands, does not do damage to mobs.
Endermen would have to be much more rare, or much more difficult for those to work without unbalancing every other weapon/armor set. Edit: After re-reading what you wrote, they wouldn't be terribly unbalanced, I would still prefer endermen to be more difficult so the items were more rewarding.
Well for balance with the armor set, keep in mind that you have to get a LOT of obsidian to make these. For the glowstone aspect, I think i will make it so that you have to smelt a super block of glowstone made from 9 regular glowstone blocks to make one glowbar. Making endermen more rare would be a step foreward but I believe making them more powerful as well will add a bit of insult to injury. The ender-items would be EXTREMELY hard to get but they would probably not degrade at all if I'm going to make the endermen more rare and a lot more powerful.
Ehhh, I'm against them downgrading, having them strong is one thing, but having the only way you lose one being death seems silly. Also, I had just said I would prefer either more difficult or more rare. Not both, that'd be a bit ridiculous.
In the last yogscast I saw where they are showing off the animal breeding in the 1.9 prerelease, I believe they mention that Endermen now do 5 hearts worth of damage. I think they said that all mobs do more damage and take more to kill. Probably to counteract the enchantments that will be-a-comin.
So all i would have to do is make endermen more rare... possibly by making them only spawn in certain biomes?
So they are making things that alot of people do not want to use all but required. First it was food and now potions...