sum wallpapers i decided to make.. the sizes probably aren't accurate, but whatever: unedited: edited:
Sorry about that, idk what size is good/i'm too lazy to look it up becuase I didn't expect anyone to use it
Omg! Homer! Your bloo jay on forgehub! I never knew this!!! I've been playing on your server for who knows how long! Oh god you must hate me! Might as well ban me from the server :-(
Are you not the dude that Ben caught looking for griefing hacks on some other website? Anyway, I second what Bloo said. I'd use that second Image as my Wallpaper if it was a tad bigger, it's too skinny for my monitor.
My coliseum with homer making his imprint on the spleef arena. My Friend Panda's....Panda He Also made a Goomba! My Maze. It's gunna be awesome when its done.
This is on Miningbros, right? Now I hate to ask, because it's probably been answered, but It'd take forever to go through 300 pages and find it, how does one join Miningbros?
this is actually on my server, but to join miningbros, simply sign up for the forum at and then log into the server at
Amazing "Revenge" - A Minecraft Parody of Usher's DJ Got Us Fallin' in Love - Crafted Using Noteblocks - YouTube
The way the guy walks is old school liek when minecraft was first made. fllr. BTW, he just slit the creeper's throat! :O
If that's the highest resolution you can get, that's kinda sad You could pass the world file to someone else, tell them the co-ordinates, and then they could send it to you for teh edits.
TNT was catchier. the singer in this one sounds as if he just learned he'll be castrated tomorrow morning at ten o' clock sharp.