I don't have time to change the server right now. I'm extremely busy as it is my last day of vacation. I'll be glad to try over the weekend though.
Great, And yeah you can transfer the map file over. and on the map we can have a teleporter just take us to an empty flat grass map for people who feel like starting over. And i think the different worlds should be for a certain thing, like one world is for 8-bit art and such and another should be just mainly a city then an ocean and stuff.
Yet with new server software would mean that it'd be easier to build, such as /water and /lava. Along with /tp and /z and/or /cuboid. And Mongoose can always just save the backup that he has now and put it into the new server as a new map. It'd also be easier to identify whose a Moderator and whose not, and giving OP and ranks such as builder, OP, Admin, etc. I use MCSharp for my server (if only I could get it public..) and what the server gives is amazing.
Ahem. I now pronounce UPTOWN (virtual) property D ) of Just_defy, Homer, Virus(something), and me myself and I. Enjoy, and come visit us sometime
Buying alpha Doesn't change the fact of how glitchy it is to set up a server? And ya I was looking at McSharp and was about to tell Mongoose to get it then i went To WOM and saw a post called Lfd For minecraft and that he was saying how McZall has way more features then Sharp and that it was so good that he made a Lfd gametype out of it. Crazy.
Okay, I'm just wondering if I should get the game. On one hand it sounds amazing and all the videos show that it lives up to that. The only problem I can think of is that it is an Alpha. So I'm afraid that Notch (the guy who's making it) may give up and leave it with any glitches (which from what I hear are plenty server wise). Baisically I don't want to pay $13 for a game (I am in college and have no job so I need every penny) that will not be supported in the future. I've seen a list of expected updates (sea monsters!!!) and I don't want to pay the guy to test his game only for him to give up on it before it reaches it's full potential of awsome. I mean I've seen it happen to Left 4 Dead (According to Game Informer LFD was supposed to have 7 types of special infected, and several different routes that give you better rewards for the tougher ones you take, if the Director AI hasn't changed the map to take that option away) So, is it worth the risk?
Think of it this way : He's gotten 1.7 MILLION Dollars on this game alone, why would he stop now? But yes, the game IS worth it. It's extremely addicting, and if you put it on hard it's a lot more fun, but you're a bit paranoid.
Trust me he won't stop. He is close to getting the game on Steam or Bungie. So you think he will stop?
I present to you prime real estate screenshot, all taken. Soz. Hya: Right around sdrak-ville, we find Uptown, with the arrow pointing up. The colorful house is mine, homer's is the goldish one on the right, Virus's is the black/green one on the left (adorned with my heart), and in the top leftish corner you can juuuust make out defy's. Apparently, me and defy are like dis: Therefore, that glass tunnel on the right leads to our lovecave. Don't go in there with me. Ever. He'll think I'm cheating on him. That's the tour. Uptown 2 will be going up soon. Reservations apply to me via skype: sdrakulich