At least someone on there isn't an asshole. But don't worry guys, I won't be coming back. I'd imagine I made an asshole of myself, here and there. I must leave this thread in disgrace. /high way 9
I'm going to need it. Please please sir may I have the .jar? EDIT: ***** creeper blew up my underwater hallway.
Distribution of the actual Minecraft.jar is technically illegal... I'd reccommend you use one of the downgrade programs that people have put out there that use binary difference patches. Some examples would be MCNostalgia, or 68x's Downgrade Tool.
yeahhhhh... he was researching the efficiency of a string string farm that apparently wasn't his... god damnit shuman. [br][/br]Edited by merge: lol stick, nobody's going to use programs when there is a wayyyy simpler solution. but seriously guys, keep it in PM's and skype chats. I think we're all honest here, dont make it look otherwise with all this illegal talk.
like i said, we're all honest here, but this is turning into the jar file exchange thread, which it's not.
Water is hard to stack. Does anyone have a guide to creating artificial bodies of water? Preferably something regarding deep water..
Make a plain of dirt at the highest level of the body of water and chip away at it one block at a time replacing each with a water bucket would be the only way I can think of? Making a 2x2 infinite water box would make that process easier.
Yepp. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I had to do it manually for a 5x8 area (which isn't much at all) but it took a crapload of time. maybe google it?
The easiest way to do it is to stack dirt so it's only one level down then once you place the water, remove all the dirt you don't need and it will automatically fill it.
Not that it's a big problem, but this method means that only the top layer of water blocks are source blocks.
Does that mean that any blocks underneath would become downward flowing water blocks? That's exactly what I'm trying to fix.
It would fill because the flow would go directly down, effectively making more source blocks. Trust me. Chuck, Tusk and I made a river...