Minecraft Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by CaMOfo, Aug 29, 2010.

  1. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    um...reinstall Minecraft? Your computer sounds technically able to run Minecraft so I see no reason why it shouldn't. Update all drivers, windows is a ***** with that sometimes. If any of that doesn't work....give up minecraft I guess.

    Maybe try FortressCraft when it comes out :p
  2. Security

    Security Ancient
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    Oh he must have changed it. Good because I haven't bought it yet.
  3. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    Is the new launcher down for a while?
  4. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    When you have the audacity to name your game similarly to the game you're copying, it's pretty obvious that your game doesn't have legs to stand on. It's sleezy, and shows just how little pride the creators have in what they are doing. It's not about making a fun game, it's about making money.

    People are lazy.

    I was refuting your belief that Fortress craft wouldn't ferry focus and money from Minecraft, not saying that I cared about the fact Minecraft would lose a pittance.

    I'm also not going to argue that most games draw inspiration from other games. But there's a huge difference between:

    - Porting a game mechanic or idea into your own game or own original idea, and
    - Copying everything you can from another game with minimal changes and hope that your game is barely likeable enough to make some quick money before everyone forgets your shameless clone existed.

    I care, because opportunism is bad for gaming. There aren't that many spots of focus in the xbox live indie channel, and genuinely inventive, fun games are going to get knocked down. There are other indie developers who perhaps won't get as much money even though they deserve it more.

    I have no idea what angry birds is, but it sounds stupid.
  5. Security

    Security Ancient
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    I don't see how it is about making money considering the developer is selling it for 80 microsoft points (1 dollar) which is the minimum for an indie game. And most of the 1 dollar probably goes to Microsoft anyway.
  6. Klaydude11

    Klaydude11 Ancient
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    I have an almost identical computer and I do as well experience some major lag. Beta 1.3 actually very much boosted my speed though. Try updating java. Maybe delete your bin file.
    #2386 Klaydude11, Feb 24, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2011
  7. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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  8. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    oy...just when I thought you were going to drop it and move on or at least just say you don't like the game and won't buy it. I can argue false assumptions all day, you?

    Half of it is named similarly, stop using the name of the game as a justification for anything. There are a **** ton of games with the word "fighter" in it, "racing" in it, etc. I'm not going to compose a list of every game ever made that share similar names with each other. You are assuming the game will be bad based on some videos you saw and using that as justification to say the creator is using the name as a crutch to get more downloads. They are copying the concept of a fun game, why wouldn't the copy be fun as well, you are making an assumption and dismissing the end results over marketing.

    No arguments there but you didn't really refute anything I said. You make some very biased assumptions of how people act that are not based off of anything but your own experiences.

    What....? Ok, well than whatever you were refuting is still not true. The only focus FortressCraft would "ferry" away from Minecraft would in this stupid debate over how similar the games are. Let me tell you how many people refused to buy Left 4 Dead 2 because they bought I MADE A GAME WITH ZOMBIES IN IT and didn't like it.....0. This is not an xbox arcade game, I think you are confusing the two.

    All that is Minecraft is just a game mechanic and no game is an original idea. Find me an original idea and I can show you where that "original" idea came from. All games are built on bits and pieces of other games. Again your beef is because of how recent Minecraft is. If FortressCraft came out 5 years from now after people stopped playing Minecraft or Minecraft was immensely popular with sequels you wouldn't care, and be honest with yourself, you wouldn't care.

    That second thing you said is like you're stuck on repeat and are just not reading what I keep saying. The game copies the concept, it won't be the same game. There will not be little cows, pigs, creepers, and zombies wondering around. The developer wants to make a concept that involves building a fortress and attacking rival fortresses. Sounds pretty different to me. Your assumption is that creating and destroying blocks is a concept owned by Minecraft, it is not.

    And that bolded/larger print statement right there is why you know nothing of the gaming industry and would never be hired as a marketer. Opportunism means that when you see the opportunity you take it. Opportunism leads to more money in the system, more money in the system means more developers and companies which helps the economy and our capitalist system as a whole. So, I'm an playstation exec. Microsoft releases a hit fighting game. The critics love it, its praised as the best fighting game ever and everyone is into fighting games now. As a playstation exec, I should then pitch a RPG because a fighting game was taken? That limits the gaming selection and is bad for gaming.

    Also I think you are again confusing Xbox Arcade with Xbox Indie marketplace. The indie marketplace is like forgehub. 99% of creations are crap and first time programming lessons. The few gems in it are played and will continue to be played regardless of if another one comes along. Also, one game will move exactly one game out of immediate view in a section highlight, it doesn't delete that game that got taken out of view.

    Really?!...wow...just wow.

    This is for everyone that thinks like Transhuman does. If you don't want to buy it fine, say you won't buy it, say why you think it won't be fun. When human said the game was crap I was ok with that, it was a legitimate opinion that was based on what he saw of the game. I didn't agree with it but at least the opinion was not based on faulty assumptions of how things work. It is not cool to dismiss a game and its development team because the games are "too similar".

    BTW, this is what FortressCraft would be competing against in the Indie Marketplace.
    Extreme Baby Maker
    Avatar Drop
    Fireworks HD

    I don't know about you but the graphics on those platformers/top down shooters/Avatar shovelware are just top notch. (BTW those are the highest downloaded games) I can see why you are worried about FortressCraft now....
    #2388 PacMonster1, Feb 24, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2011
  9. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Huntar, update your video drivers. If that doesn't work, go to the minecraft forums. They have many more who can help you than here.
  10. Mongoose

    Mongoose Ancient
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    Hmmm. The man is right Transhuman.

    YouTube - Minecraft :: How to Make a Redstone One-Clock

  11. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    The pwnage that Brofalls was subject to is saddening. :'(

    I saw this done with doors. I just sat there in amusement.
    #2391 DunkinMyCookies, Feb 24, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2011
  12. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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  13. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    I honestly doubt any good can come from this. Based on the 'trolling' nature of online communities, nowadays.
  14. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    that would be the predominate use of the repeaters yes, but some people might create something really cool, and its those people that I'm referring to.
  15. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    ...which is true. If you've seen the videos, you know the game is bad. No single part of it is worthwhile or interesting, and the environments look uninviting and bland, above ground and up.

    Nuance. This game has none.

    Yes, I would.

    Being in the "new releases" section of the Xbox Live indie games store is crucial for an indie game's success, and when it gets knocked out by crapware or a clone game, that's bad for all those game developers who get knocked off, bad for creativity, and bad for the gamer.

    I disagree. If something is an unabashedly shameless clone that is trying to cash grab using the reputation and ideas of something you care about, something well-made and worthwhile, shrugging your shoulders and saying "c'est la vie" makes you a shitty person, or a moron.
  16. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    ... are you guys done yet?
  17. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    screw the pm then ¬.¬, fine if you want to continue this wall of text fine, I was trying to lead the discussion away.

    Are we looking at the same videos? It looks like an HD texture pack for Minecraft, which is very impressive for an Indie game. It's like you are not getting that. Indie games are not xbox arcade games. Most Indie games are in 2D because Indie games cannot exceed a large filesize. The few 3D games have terrible, and I mean terrible graphics. The avatar games are the only games that can get away with decent graphics and that is because the avatars are a resource provided by microsoft and not coded by the programmers. The bolded part just described Minecraft classic, good job ;) Again you are making assumptions based on pre-release videos. By that logic than Halo Reach sucked ass in that alpha testing video we saw awhile back...it looked so bland and such. If you think the game will play bad fine, don't link that to your faulty assumption of the developer and his choice to make the game as the two are not related.

    It's the first version of a game that will later have nuance. Again why you aren't getting that I don't know. First impression, yes it looks the same, look into it and you will see it will not be the same thing. I don't know why you keep dismissing that.

    I'm going to call bull on this statement. And if it is indeed true and not just arguing for the sake of the argument than you would be the only person in all of video games to think that way. There have been numerous renditions of Half life because Valve has taken forever to release Half Life 2 Episode 3. People love these "shameless" rip offs because they loved the original game and can't wait until the next official game. If someone made a half life clone a month after Half Life 2 Episode 2, everyone would cry foul.

    Stop acting like you are the savior to games such as Phibian, All Out of Bubblegum, and GladiatorsEscapade. The "newest" game section is 50 deep so all those games stay on the section for quite a while. It would be bad for new game developers if their new games did not replace the older games who had their chance, so your point makes absolutely no sense. Also if the gamer can't look through the other sections for a game they might like or to support random Indie developers than that is bad for the gamer not because one more game was added to the list.

    You keep making the same argument, over and over again and you are not giving any evidence to back up your claims. They are all assumptions and biased opinions. I have backed up every quote I have done with references to other games, industry opinions, and information from both sources, Minecraft and FortressCraft. I don't know if you just haven't read anything I've been saying or just refuse to accept any of what I have been saying. On the most basic level you are denying the right of a game to exist and saying that is good for gaming? THAT DOES NOT MAKE SENSE!

    Minecraft is about building blocks to make buildings, destroying those buildings, and making tools to survive the night. FortressCraft's first chapter will be similar to Minecraft's classic mode but will eventually evolve into a multiplayer quest to build Fortresses and attack the other Fortresses for resources and stuff. Yes the concept is the same as Minecraft, yes the name was probably picked to gain some recognition (why would any self respective merchant undersell their product?) Yes it wants to make money off of Minecrafts success. WHY DO YOU CARE! You haven't answered that simple question. Every response you have given has been, "because it is the same" and every detail has been in relation to that.

    All I want from you is that simple answer to why do you care. Is the whole gaming industry going to crash down because FortressCraft is a little too much like Minecraft. Is the dollar a fraction of the xbox live base that plays indie games going to spend impact the views people will have about a more complex and community rich game like Minecraft? No, you assuming they will is assuming a lot and has not been true of any other indie game. The Impossible Game which started out as a free browser game was ported to xbox indie marketplace and costs a dollar. That dollar that game made 12,777 times can now go into future game development and for better projects. I sir care about the video game industry, you apparently want to stifle it with statements like "Its the same." Yeah, 90% of the indie games are ports or copies of more popular games. Stop confusing the indie game market with the arcade games made by real development studios.
    #2397 PacMonster1, Feb 24, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2011
  18. Em0srawk

    Em0srawk Forerunner

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    I'm just going to point out, no copyright is being breached (so nothing is unlawful) but it IS plagiarism which is morally wrong.

    On the subject of the annoying machine: WIN! I can see how this could make you go insane

    I'm happy because of repeater blocks because I know might be able to finish my flashing neon sign that I tried working on on my server.
  19. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    Plagiarism is taking someone literary work and claiming it as your own, which is against the law. It can also be expanded to mean taking anyone's work without giving credit or saying the source which is also against the law. The FortressCraft creator has mentioned numerous times that Minecraft and the games that preceeded it have inspired his game. There is nothing morally wrong with it, again all that is being taken in the concept of a generic game. You wouldn't say every Mario clone is plagiarizing would you?

    So no, it IS NOT plagiarism as any definition of the word plagiarism will tell you. It's just a similar game for a different platform.
  20. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    I read all those posts about copyright infringement, plagiarism, concept theft, ect.. as, "I'm an elitist PC gamer and don't want console gamers playing with my toys."

    Edited by merge:

    Also, I will recognize the legitimacy of this 'game' when someone post a pic of them battling a giant creeper while holding a fish.
    #2400 Waylander, Feb 25, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2011

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