So I didnt post episode one here, but these are all videos that we filmed about a month ago but we only plan on uploading more once they reach 300 views each, then the next gets put up! So, check the episodes out and enjoy! Superflat Challenge: Ep 1 "Slimes are Evil" (Minecraft Let's Play) - YouTube Superflat Challenge Ep 2 "The Bunker" - YouTube
I don't get what the challenge is. All you have to do is sit in the village and do nothing. You've got no way to find ores or get any better equipment. You can't go to the nether without diamonds or iron and I don't know of a way without cheating to get hold of either.
Dude, watch the series. Various villages have chests with diamond, iron, tools, food, obsidian or saplings in them. Trust me, we've already been to the nether and are already working on collecting each and every block possible which means diamond blocks, gold blocks and iron blocks. Those should be interesting episodes once we complete those challenges.
This is pretty creative, actually. Enjoying the videos, though not as entertaining as say, the yogcast, but still pretty awesome. Maybe have more players in your next playthrough? I like how you fastforward to speed things up and have a plan for going forward. Some people sit around discuss it for like 15 min which gets very boring. Keep 'er up!
Thanks man, we are going to end up having it as a three player play through with a different challenge once we can get my girlfriend set up with minecraft for the PC or Xbox.