I haven't been on FH in a while, but seeing as how you are all SOMEWHAT creative, being forgers and all, I thought I could share a nice little game with you guys. SOOOOOOOOOOO. Minecraft - Wtf is dis. Minecraft is a game developed by Markus Persson that started in May of 2009. He started developing it, after playing a game of Inifiniminer. Now I'm sure Minecraft shares it's similarities with Infiniminer, but trust me, they're both really different. Minecraft kinda has a "kiddie" aesthetic though, but it's enjoyable. Btw it's in alpha still. :/ "COOL. HOW DOES I PLEY DIS GAME" Well, Minecraft is an open ended sandbox game. You can play just plain creative mode, which has infinite amounts of blocks, and you can basically just build whatever. Survival is what it sounds like. Survive against monsters like zombies, and spiders, blah blah blah. You can start playing by making an account on "www.minecraft.net" and I'll assume you know how to do the rest. "HAI, I FIGURED OUT DAT YOU CAN HAZ SERVERS. WHAT IS GUD SERVER Well, if enough ForgeHubbers (wtf are you we called?) start playing Minecraft, I can get up a private server just for you guys, with a whitelist. If you guys want to get a server up, just post in this format. Spoiler Server name: Your in-game name: When's the server up: Server Link: Server List Server Name: ForgeHub Unofficial Server Your in-game name: Iguana When's the server up: 24/7 Server Link: Here, ofc Player List ShamefulMatrix - Iguana Bloo Jay - HomerSPC
god your dumb. It's a game. infiniminer was awesome and so is this. Some of the older fh skype people played infiniminer all the time.
I was one of them... I might try to load this up and see how it is and then if it's good I may have just found my next drug during the time when I have nothing to play. If I get into this game then I'll edit my info into this post later.
Spamming and advertising are completely different things. You posted a link to an external website - an advertisment. However, it wasn't a spam advertisment. Now on to minecraft... I ****ING LOVE MINECRAFT.
I've been playing it a lot recently but I seemed to have ran into a problem... Someone wants me to take over the server since he can't ;eave his computer on and we got everything downloaded expect Java is saying in the server prompt: "Java is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file". Does anyone know how to fix this thing? I have the latest version of Java installed too.
If that's a server problem, with startserver.bat, then I suggest editing the .bat, and replacing java with the filepath to java.exe. Make sure you add quotations between the filepath. I necroposted. ACK.
Definitely not natural... Though how exactly do you die in the game? Because as long as I've been playing it I haven't died at all.
ive been playing survival... and therse the guys that kill you.. lol. im just not playing survival anymore so yeah during survival when those things attack you, lol. but im not playing survival anymore so yeah..
I clicked the Java thing at the bottom of this blank white screen it gives me. It says "Press B!" I do, notthing happens. EDIT : I got Minecraft to load, but then i get an error saying : "Pixel format not accelerated!" What now?