If you're going to attempt to use proper grammar, the least you could do is make sure you're using you're, not your...
There arent any crashes? Me and Randle Play Just Fine? Well Defy Is Also Mad. But Defy no hard feeling bro, It wasnt me who banned you, It was goose. You can try to apeal to goose. Sorry bro... But Pit is a real ****** and got banned by me, and dont try to apeal to me either.
The server isn't running as well as it used to to be honest. It's not so much crashes, but there are really laggy bits that wasn't happening before the TNT I'm not gonna put all blame on the TNT, but I'd say it's got something to do with it probably.
>>implying I want to be on a server full of ignorant lazy admins that freak out over nothing, and can't spell.
****ing this you abuse your power all the time and just piss people off you dont just let them be, you harrass people 24/7 then act like a condescending asshole when you get anything right (which barely happens) then when that happens we all need to act like you're some detective who just solved a huge conspiracy, or you'll ban us; when in reality its more like your an autistic 12 year old who just figured out what happened to the last cookie in the cookie jar Grow up and stop abusing your goddamn power.
You know i could be a little loose, but i cant do that with people who cant get the rules right. And i only act that way too you. Rule: No Cheating/Hacking You Duped 5,000 Gold, and don't tell me mischgasm was your excuse. Pathetic...
it doesnt matter what i say to you, you make whatever the **** you want the truth you may want to google the word excuse also
Yeah Orange, don't dupe gold! Jeez.. I think they should be unbanned for Halloween, when bugs are fixed and all the server software and admin software's are updated. It's harder to moderate/admin a server full of griefers than you would think.