Mind Gouge

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Mander, Mar 14, 2009.

  1. Mander

    Senior Member

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    My latest and greatest puzzle map "Mind Gouge" is complete and ready to go. It's the third installment of the "Mind" series, being the successful sequel to the extremely popular "Mind Snare" and "Mind Trap" which have both received over 3000 downloads and high ratings. Mind Gouge is HUGE and will push your logic to breaking point. It has been rigorously tested (once again by BuddhaCrane) and is now 100% break proof. You will not find anything on this map that I'm not aware of and that will allow you to skip any challenges.

    This map can be beat by one person, but it's also a lot of fun to do with some friends (up to four). Although having friends may make some challenges slightly easier to pass...

    This map is a lot like my Mind Snare in that the challenges are each unique and not frustrating (no difficult jumps or moves incorperated). The challenges are harder to figure out than they are to do (but that's not to say that they're easy either). The challenges are often entertaining and this map, like Mind Snare, is fun to play and just take in the cool look of each new room you've progressed to.

    This map is the reason why my series is so popular and different from others. It's great to play with a party of up to 4 people and try and figure out how to pass each room. The map is not confusing, and you won't find any breaks that will take you on a different path than the one you're supposed to go. There is also a well-developed checkpoint system, so that you won't have to start from the beginning after you reach a dangerous part of the map where you can die.

    If you're a fan of puzzle maps, then I'm sure that you'll enjoy this one. I spent about a month coming up with new challenges and then mapping them out.

    Another thing to note is that they are actual challenges not just searching around for a random turret or teleporter. You will have to apply your logic...


    The gametype is VERY important in order to play the map properly.


    Overview #1

    Overview #2

    Overview #3

    First Challenge

    Second Challege

    First Lobby

    Second Lobby

    Challenge 8

    Challenge 9

    Challenge 10

    Challenge 13

    Grav Lift Room

    Challenge 18

    Tunnel Room

    Pit of Doom

    Challenge 24

    Final Room


    Challenge 1- There would be much sense
    in finding what shoots through fence.
    Challenge 2- In order for you to complete this strife,
    you need the guts to take a life.
    Challenge 3- Walls, ceiling, and floor are to what you have come;
    bother with the one that doesn’t hum.
    Challenge 4- Make sure you’ve got everything with your ride,
    before departing to the other side.
    Challenge 5- Look where it might leak
    to find what you seek.
    Challenge 6- Three quick bangs, one big boom,
    hit the ceiling to exit tomb.
    Challenge 7- Slanted bridge, fence not touching floor, and high ledge all tease,
    but the corner to inspect is none of these.
    Challenge 8- Falling short, need more juice,
    why not use that small brown goose?
    Challenge 9- A variety in weapons is what you need,
    but not to kill or make things bleed,
    you need them to obtain what you lack
    or to blow things up through a crack...
    Challenge 10- Grab what has a long end
    before you ascend.
    Challenge 11- Under with sniper or over with shotgun,
    barrels on teleporter- you need to unblock them.
    Challenge 12- The regenerator heals when push comes to shove,
    the cross next to it is a marker for what’s above.
    Challenge 13- The blueish glow does not work,
    a little green will fix this quirk.
    Challenge 14- The equipment here is all you face,
    use it to find a hidden place.
    Challenge 15- Equipment-wise you’ve found the other,
    now to get it from one location to another.
    Challenge 16- The deed is done, you need a way out,
    a variation of task 2, no doubt.
    Challenge 17- Back to where you were before,
    but now equipped with something more,
    but instead of lifting yourself from the floor,
    get something else to where it hasn’t been before.
    Challenge 18- Now you can access a new room to walk,
    and find new things to unblock.
    Challenge 19- Solid repetition is the key
    to get back to where you need to be.
    Challenge 20- If you’ve succeeded with the previous case
    then put what you have in the obvious place.
    Challenge 21- Through the tunnel, up the ledge,
    only look back when at the edge.
    Challenge 22- This is a stunt you need to fail,
    hitting bottom before you bail.
    Challenge 23- Back to the monstrous Pit of Doom,
    a Leap of Faith to cross the room.
    Challenge 24- Here there is an escape plus an opportunity to open a new path,
    but you’ll need a longer range weapon if you do the math.
    Challenge 25- Once more a familiar trail of green and gray
    but if the last challenge was done the right way,
    then you’ll enter the final room,
    but beware the impending doom.

    And for those of you who just give up:



    Enjoy, and please give feedback!
    #1 Mander, Mar 14, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2009
  2. Lemons Reloaded

    Lemons Reloaded Ancient
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    Ow my mind! It has been stabbed! This map looks truly incredible and well worth the download. Looks rather time-consuming as well. I'll give it a shot! :D
  3. TheRayzerTag

    TheRayzerTag Ancient
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    Nice challenge description. Looks like a poem. By the way, you've just become the first person whose puzzle map I dl. Go wild.
  4. Mander

    Senior Member

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    I'm partying. Glad you like the rhyming hints.

    Thanks. Yes, I easily spent a month (maybe more) coming up with and planning out the challenges. Then there was easily 40 hours of forge involved. I also had the larger portion of the map build on itself so that every object is well-used for a greatly budgeted map.
  5. Bizarro33

    Bizarro33 Ancient
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    Two hours, five minutes for a group of four to beat it. The grav lift room was the most annoying part, but wonderful once we figured it out.
  6. JufelT

    JufelT Ancient
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    This is CRAZY! I couldn't even get passed the first part you spawn. LOL! Great Forging.

  7. skywing94

    skywing94 Ancient
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    Wow, this map looks awesome, I can't wait to see what you can come up with on Sandbox. Also, thanks for coming out and saying that there aren't any stupidly hard jumps on the map. I really hate when you feel you are doing good on a puzzle map like this, and then can't get to the next part because you are supposed to balance on a soccer ball being pushed up by a grav lift and crouch-jump to a very small platform all at the same time.

    Kinda ruins the experience.
  8. Rubber Duck

    Rubber Duck Ancient
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    I thought this map was nice and actually took some thought to get through the challenges. Unlike some maps where you're so confused, not because of the difficulty of the map, but because of the poor map structure.

    Another thing i enjoyed was the challenge hints; i used them as last resorts and only used 2 of them :D The map and the hints included were very creative, keep it up!
    #8 Rubber Duck, Mar 16, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2009
  9. Filup Cat

    Filup Cat Ancient
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    This is definately one of the best puzzles I've ever seen. You can tell that you took a TON of time thinking it through and making things perfect. I was stuck on the second room for the loooongest time.
  10. Rubber Duck

    Rubber Duck Ancient
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    Hey Filup, take a look at these maps, i think you'll change your mind about what you said just as i did.

    http://www.forgehub.com/forum/mini-game-maps/43341-rack-tours.html (be warned; posting on this thread might get you an infraction for necro-posting)
    Also any other map buddhacrane has made.
    #10 Rubber Duck, Mar 16, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2009
  11. MovieGame

    MovieGame Ancient
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    Very nice, I can tell you spent time thinking this through. I was stuck on all the challenges for a while. I love this map. 4/5 Not 5/5 because I had to use my brain.
  12. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    Holy mother of fish nan bread. You hadn't released this yet?!?!?!?!

    When I saw my name attached I was thinking "Er, I haven't tested any puzzle maps recently". Which is an accurate statement as it turns out. It was like weeks upon weeks ago you showed me this!

    Well it's nice to see it's finally been released. This is one monster of a puzzle map - You don't see many of this scale! It does a good job of staying varied though so you don't have to worry about solving the same problem hidden in a different context, each puzzle will test you in a fresh way.

    I think I remember requiring a clue at one point, shame on me... I didn't have those wonderfully poetic clues though!

    Gonna be forging on teh Sandbawx?
  13. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    I broke out of the map. A turret in the beginning after you use the br for the second time to blow up the fusion coils over a teleporter. I just got out of the turret and it threw me into normal foundry. It was annoying getting back in each time.
    #13 DimmestBread, Mar 17, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2009
  14. Abibliophobia

    Abibliophobia Ancient
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    I really didn't like this puzzle maybe I should play it by myself instead with 3 people
  15. a sharp corner

    a sharp corner Ancient
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  16. Mander

    Senior Member

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    Haha, hey Buddha. I actually had released this map a long time ago to the public (November, I think), but I only got around to putting it on Forgehub recently (Just got an account with PhotoBucket).

    And yes I will be forging it up on Sandbox.

    You must be confused with another map because there is no area on Mind Gouge where there'e a turret near a teleporter with fusion coils.

    There is no way out of this map- the only possible way is if you're playing it with friends and randomly lag out, which is highly unlikely. It has never happened to me once in all my hundreds of times playing the map but my friend claims that it once hapened to him.

    If you do believe that you're not mistaken then it would be extremely helpful if you sent me a video or something so I could see what the problem is.
  17. Dark Brier

    Dark Brier Ancient
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    Mander, you definaely make the best puzzle maps. Mind Gouge and Mind Snare are nothing short of pure awesomeness!
  18. l33tmeerkatslol

    l33tmeerkatslol Ancient
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    Great. A long, hard puzzle map. I hate maps that are hard, but I must try. This looks great and long for those experienced puzzlers. I am pretty good myself, but maybe not this good. We'll see. I will download and play with up to four friends.

    Plus, I love how you made it playable with more people. They're boring by yourself. Good work. I'm glad you have a walkthrough. One thing I hope for is where your not dying every 2 seconds and have to go over and restart from the beginning, or restart the game.

    Edit: Just read you have a "well developed checkpoint system." Nvm about the "dying ever 2 seconds" thing.
    #18 l33tmeerkatslol, Mar 21, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2009
  19. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    Its not dirctly next to a tele with fusion coils. Its like there is a fence wall with a shield door in it and if you look through it, there is a tele with barrels on it. Then you have to jump up and grab onto a turret and when I got off of that turret it threw me through the wall.
  20. Mander

    Senior Member

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    Yeah, that's the same place my friend claimed that it happened, but I took it to forge and tested it time after time and it never once glitched me out. I also changed to an elite and tested it out- still nothing. Not to mention that I've played this map atleast a hundred times with groups of people and never once happened.

    All I can recommend for you, if it keeps happening then try playing the map alone and as a spartan not an elite.

    If you're playing with others then the most likely cause would probably be lag- see how your connection is.

    Did you play the map with friends or were you by yourself?

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