That looks like a really cool club. I think it would be perfect for those clan meetings. Great job. You really interpreted the whole club idea.
This map looks very well built and fun. One suggestion though, I wouldn't really have armories but other than that it looks great. If I may ask, why post this in aesthetic maps rather than competitive?
Nooo Dude no its a map where you just have fun and just play around like your in the game it's not a competitive map. Not trying to be mean.
Who the hell would waste their time making this into an actual playable game? The whole point of it is to be an aesthetic map that would be fun to mess around on and laugh about. As for the map, A+++. Very well forged and awesome detail Overall-5/5
Thx man- I would have made it much bigger and then allowed for me to make it into a game like A gametype where a rival Mafia would attack the club but the club owner an his men would have to drive them off but the budget of the map wouldnt let meh do it it so yeah... sad faic =[ But anyways!! Thx for downloading!!!! 8D
Looks like an awesome club, but i don't get the entrance/elevator. Is a teleporter merged into that first block? Or is there grav lifts or something? Or is it just for looks? 5/5
The teleporter is pushed underground and the elevator is purely for looks (That's why its in the aesthetics section =] ) But I wanted to portray the idea of you taking the elevator to the Mile-High Club
lol, this looks pretty funny. Definite DL for me. It looks really clean and you can actually see the resemblance to real clubs n **** My friends will get a kick out of this. 4.5/5
Yeah- I tried my best to make it look like a real club, even down to the corridors up top, I wanted the balcony look like a place were the VIPs went and stuff like that but yeah...I kinda killed my bouncer so anyone can go up there 0_0
Ur quite a forger. I really like this one considering all of the deligently placed decorations. I really like how you created the entrance and the strip pole. No suggestions. 10/10.
haha this is really cool i love the dj booth and the club room it looks like a real club that you would see in vegas or europe very good job 5/5
5/5 First of all, the stripper pole idea made me laugh. Nice interlocking. Great angles, and the idea of an elevator makes it better.
I would've lowered or raised the blue light in the jacuzzi so it gives it just a tint of blue, to compliment the shield door. Aside from that, A mounted br would've made the armor room perfect, but very well done nonetheless. an innovative forge creation 5/5
Hey, you could easily turn this into a very good infection map, and the story would be priceless. And make the zombies pink, so they're liek stripper zombies Try to survive getting your brains ripped out, while in a strip club!!! The actually map is amazing in itself, and I could easily imagine some pink elites Spartans