I made a second version of Mighty Whale which is better than the first. It features,interlocked cockpit glass,mounted to wall weapons,Re designed cockpit,table,and redesingned upgraded exterior though I cant post the map to my File Share yet becuase I need to renew my Bungie Pro subscription,Id rather not delete maps off my file share.If theres anything you think could be better tell me heres pics thats not all the mounted weapons there located around the cabin and cockpit. More pics and info will be in the thread when I make it this is just prototype its not completely done yet needs more interlocking. Comment please
This looks like a good asthetic map. The only real "ship" like thing I've ever really liked to play on was TITAN, but this might be good. I'll check it out this weekend
hey, it looks nice yes I agree you can interlock more but not too much more. I cant wait untill you post it gl
Hey, the mounted weapons are awesome, do you think you could post a tutorial on how to do it? Or is it a secret...
I could try but Ill explain now I learned it from a Map called polished lake.First Make a wall make sure its thick enough to for the weapons holder.Put down a teleleporter just for a marker of were the wall is then set it to 180 second respawn.Start new round.Take a weapin holder and put it back just enough to were it can grab hold of the weapon,to far and it wount mount it to the wall.Save and quit aiming the weapon holder were you want the weapon to be mounted make.Make sure the weapin holder is completly interlocked with the object but also make sure it can pull the object.To make the object spawn again press x select item set min to max and max to max.Then set so the item spawns at beginning take your weapon move it against the wall until you get a hold or pull let it go and see if it mounted good.This takes patience since you will probably have to try again to get it right.
woot! loved the first one, and this one looks neater. love the mounted weapons, I'm starting to see that more often, lately. I enjoy the cold storage-ish tables, and are those tents on the back? I can't wait to see it, and I'm also itching to buy some points for my bungie pro, but if this map owns the world as one of the best ships, I'll send you...a pet rock.