Sandbox Mighty 180

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by T3H Sniper King, May 3, 2009.

  1. T3H Sniper King

    T3H Sniper King Ancient
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    MIGHTY 180

    NOTE: As seen on Bng Favs, pics broke, IDC, lock if you wish.

    This is my first official racetrack, ever.

    You may have noticed, that it's not in the skybubble, thats because the skybubble isn't as tall as the middle layer, and the taller that better for this track, and it's one of a kind if you ask me.

    The receiver nodes are boosts, I added them so people have a chance to lose/gain the lead, you must hit them all, or hit one in order to gain/keep your position, you miss one, you'll lose your position. And it is possible to ride you way up at a steady pace without the


    Well, there you have it!
    Mighty 180, my first official racetrack, my others were really bad...

    Please use: RACETRACKS
    Download Link: MIGHTY 180
    #1 T3H Sniper King, May 3, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2010
  2. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This is actually pretty good. I'd probably find my self plummeting down the huge hill over and over again. Do you lose a considerable amount of speed going up hill?
  3. T3H Sniper King

    T3H Sniper King Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You lose enough that if you the others hit the boosts, you'll lose your position, but it's a steady pace.
  4. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    Hey this is new! Whats the purpose of the killball? I noticed that shield door on the bottom turn. Does it launch you into the killball if you hit it wrong or something? I really like the node-booster idea. It would be fun to fight for the boosts on the way up. Do people fall off the edge often? I would put guard rails all along the outter ledge of the track. That would probably make it more fun. I think this is a great idea for a racetrack. Its pretty unique as well!
  5. AnF Knight

    AnF Knight Ancient
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    Nice job dude! Very cool idea. Way to keep it simple for your first track but still make it good. Maybe try adding some asthetics to the track to give it more character it might make it a bit better but thats up to you.
    AnF Pro Score 4/5 (Add some asthetics and maybe a 4.5)
  6. Prodigious 7k

    Prodigious 7k Ancient
    Senior Member

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    itsagood idea fora feature ofa racetrack but as asinglt track it ishard to do and tedius. make a version 2 that is amoother with barriers around the edge and part of alarger track.
    idea 8/10
    map 6.5/10
    sorry my keyboard is really bad
    #6 Prodigious 7k, May 3, 2009
    Last edited: May 3, 2009
  7. Apple s4uc3

    Apple s4uc3 Ancient
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    This is a ok map its pretty big but where do u start at and how many mongooses are there. I don't really like the idea and when your going down it looks like you will always hit the wall at the turn and when u go up would u go slow. But why are there kill balls. U won't jump over them or anything.
  8. Caretaker

    Caretaker Ancient
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    You start a little bit above the 180 so if you drive off, you're going down it. All available mongoose are at the start. You don't hit the wall unless you're bad at driving on a mongoose and going up doesn't slow you down because there are boosters built into the uphill part (sort of like mario kart). I'd say the killballs are there so that, when you fall, you can drive them into the killballs. This makes them spawn back faster than they would if you just got off.

    I love this map. It's incredibly fun for something so simple. You should totally map another one of these in a different shape. Great job man.
  9. Apollo

    Apollo Ancient
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    ahaha me and my buddies love it! we try and knock eachother off right off the bat! very cleanly merged too! sometimes simplicity is the way to go! i look forward to more of your tracks.
  10. dennis1895

    dennis1895 Ancient
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    i dont know if you hit a item limit but if not you should just make a real racetrack around this this is one of the things that makes a racetrack fun special and good so if you can make like a good track surrounding it then it would be perfect.
  11. T3H Sniper King

    T3H Sniper King Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow, very nice comments, I look forward to have what you say when I finish the V2.
    * Completely enclosed.
  12. LordVurtax

    LordVurtax Ancient
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    The map is very pleasing concept, And it does look like a lot of fun and I would enjoy it. Thats when I get Halo 3 Back of course.

    Well Done, I'll be sure to download soon. Would like to see something else like this (Like a V2 that consists of a barrel cannon that shoots you back up to the top instead of driving up, for longer track The Finish line would have to be in the cannon of course.) although maybe not soooo steep. maybe.
  13. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Wow, love this, not so much an acutual racing map but i love this, reminds me of Record Ramp if you have ever seen it, and the turn and the end seems like it would be beastly. Great job.
  14. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Wow, I really like this idea. So instead of going flat, everything is angled, which makes it more challenging.... nice... but I think you should have added another turn or something in between the long stretch, because that might get a little boring after a while...

    Anyways, great job and keep up the good work!

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