Sandbox Midworks

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Charging Bumble B, Feb 9, 2010.

  1. Charging Bumble B

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    Midworks is a map on the midlevel of Sandbox. It is an asymmetrical map primarily designed for 4v4-6v6, and supports mulit flag, one flag, slayer, team slayer, KotH, and mulit flag.
    This map features mulit levels and numerous bridges, which creates unique types of battles and lines of sight. Designed and created by: Bumble B Tuna17


    8 BR's @ 30
    2 snipers @ 120 with 2 clips
    1 rocket @ 60 with 2 clips
    1 spartan laser @ 90
    2 carbines @ 30
    1 mauler @ 45
    1 shotgun @ 60
    2 plasma pistols @ 30
    1 turret @ 30
    2 mongooses @ 20







    Download link:< : Halo 3 File Details>
    #1 Charging Bumble B, Feb 9, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2010
  2. 99dudes

    99dudes Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks pretty good from what i can see. ill give it a download. also it looks like your merging on the arch things is a bit "edgy" if i were you id try to smooth it out.
  3. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    It's a shame you didn't use OLN and have a remaining budget, as I mentioned when you showed me this in forge, It reminds me of Scobra's Mudkip Farm.

    You'll have to request Nondual that we play this next time we all play. :)
  4. Charging Bumble B

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    Ya I really regret not using OLN but to be honest I had never even heard of it before you told me about it. I want to post that video on here of that game but I need to figure out how to.
    We actually did play it once after you left the party a few night's ago on 5v5 team slayer and it played really well I thought. I got a lot of positive feedback too. Thanks for the review.
    #4 Charging Bumble B, Feb 9, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2010
  5. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    Reminds me of a Halo 2 Map. Looks really good for flanking. Love how theres tons of walkways and points. Very Nice! 5/5 Team Slayer looks really fun, Oh BTB too.
  6. Short Bizzle

    Short Bizzle Ancient
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    Haha... Nondual showed this to me the other night, so I know for a fact it is in his repertoire. I didnt know you forged Mr. Tuna. Cant wait to see what you have for us in the future.

    GR8 job!!! I will dl
  7. Charging Bumble B

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    Hopefully I'll have some action shots and maybe a video up later tonight or tomorrow!
  8. CookieMan

    CookieMan Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks good. It's balanced, clean-looking, and fun to play.

    I give it an A.
  9. xDarklingx

    xDarklingx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'll be honest, the overview wow'ed me. Looks like a great map for big epic battles. I did however find some bumpy spots. In picture 6 and 9 there looks like there are some significant bumps. I know the bumps are likely easy to walk over but people will be generally more impressed if you made it at least 'look' like there's no bumps.

    I liked the tower in picture 4 with the wrap-around walkway, i'll have to try this out in one of my maps! I really like the map overall, im sure alot of people other than me will appreciate the size of this map but I think it would be worth making a v2. 4/5
  10. 99dudes

    99dudes Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this played pretty well, although as i mentioned before, it is bumpy on some parts. i would also recommend doing a V2.
  11. Nondual

    Nondual Ancient
    Senior Member

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    We'll Mr. Tuna, I also was unaware that you were such a skilled forger. When you first showed this to me I was very impressed indeed.

    I like how you can get up on just about all the geometry. With how limited sandbox is I always think that really important to get the most out of a map. You really have a lot of very unique structures in here too. Definitely very cool, I especially like the big arch.

    King of the hill and Slayer/Snipers are always some of my favorite game types on large asymmetric maps like this. I definitely want to get some more games in on here, make sure to remind me to load it up.

    Thanks for your hard work making this. Custom games are legendary amounts of fun thanks to very skilled, and very cool guys such as yourself.

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