Download Map: Midnight Crisis Download Gametype: Double Vision Before I begin talking about my map I have to appologize for making a map with a required gametype. People often neglect the game and play the map wrong. With that out of the way, here we go... A biochemical test facility located near the north pole was ravaged by an earthquake. It cut most of the power, and accidentally released a deadly virus. It's your job to go and recover any evidence and eliminate anyone or anything that has been infected!! The maps is dark and has the 3 levels of the sniper tower blocked off and both levels of the sword room blocked off. I wanted to change the flow of the map itself and this way seems to work out the best. The map has maulers and magnums with no spare clips and only appear once. Two flame grenades spawn 45 seconds in, and every 45 after. There are 3 flares and 3 deployable covers. The flares don't blind you, they just make the map easier to see. The covers can help more than youd expect. All the doorways can be perfectly blocked off by using them. The map does have a gametype required. All zombies are black, no shields or radar, 150% speed, immune to headshots, and have swords. Humans are all white, 10 foot radar, and start with magnums. The last man standing has 150% resistance, but 50% regeneration. Now for the pics! Zombie Spawn Sniper Tower Blocked Sword Room Blocked Flame Grenades Temporary Safety Locating the Infected Wishing the lights were on I welcome all feedback, even if it involves the use of the filters. I know its over used, but it adds to the hunt.
Its good but really I wouldnt like to make this map darker than it is. Usually for maps I would more than likely only use one at a time.
I don't agree with them, for zombies, I think making it darker makes it better, if the rest of the game variant is alright anyway. My friend made one, I liked his Screen Effects better, but it's the same idea. The only thing that I don't like is how you blocked off things with the containers, maybe try finding a neater way to do it? Edit: I don't think having the humans with radar is a good idea, I know its only 10m, but it I've played other games like this with radar, it lets you know where to aim, and I like the idea of having to look around better, in fact, I like giving the zombies radar. I haven't tested that much, so I could be wrong, but I'm done.
Don't give any one radar. The effects are good, and the game gets really exciting when it's darker. One thing I've seen: put on gloomy for a 60 second spawn, spawn at beginning: no juicy spawn at 90 spawn at start: no, and old timey 120: no. It makes for a great game and hiding is so fun.
i know the darkness is a bit much but i wanted to see how black zombies would look with gloomy and juicy turned on. i have the radar on to give you a slight idea of where the zombies are coming from, but since they're fast and theres multiple floors it doesn't help much. the map is a bit sloppy, ill find a new way to patch it up. i just wanted to make the blocking off process quick. but regardless, thanks for the feedback