I'm sure most of you have probably sent in your box for repairs and so did I recently. So I finally got it back on Thursday after about 3 weeks, and not but a week later, my replacement console dies on me So I was wondering if this has happened to anyone else here? (your console dying twice I mean)
I sent my box in once, this one can't hold more than one update, but I never plan on sending it in until it dies b/c I do not want a worse one
Never any problems Except one time we tried wiring it to a DVD player for a 24 hour ride for vacation. Got red ring of death but other than that it works fine.
I've had to send mine in twice in less than a year. The second time they replaced it with a refurbished one, but the disc tray won't open if you have it sitting vertical. I feel your pain.
ive only had to send my console in once, it was an opening night core. I sent it in and got a shiny new premium console, its worked ever since, however ive received a new Elite over Xmas, along with an HD DVD player. (my original core had a disc read error..the lens was scratched) This aside, ive had many a friend who has sent in their xbox 360's numerous times and they still cease to work, IMO...Microsoft is getting sloppy with EVERYTHING they are doing right now.
I got RRoD once. I ran to it in fear, turned it off. Never had a problem since. I am so lucky that it didn't conk out then.
Mine does that too, it takes some skill to open it. My friends can't put in a different game for it, but i can. I've perfected it. Just a light tap in the middle with the tips of your four fingers.
the exactly same thing happened to me. Then i got the red ring of death and sent it in, and I think i got the same one back, because the disc drive doesn't open unless you push it also... or it might be another one with the same problem i don't know.
Ah the good old cartridges, those were the days. I grew up in the whom listening to Sonic the Hedgehog(best vg character ever). As for my first box it had a disc tray problem, wouldn't read the discs so it was going to cost me a hundred bucks to fix it. Unphased I smacked it around a bit, turned it on and off rapidly and pulled the plug while it was on. Voila! RRoD, free repairs for all
I haven't had a problem yet. I bought a target 3 year warranty considering all the problems I have heard about 360s. I just bring it in and they just give me a new console. So I don't have to wait weeks to get it back.
My friend's console died and it had the red ring of death. My friend started yelling and swearing and beat me with the controller because I laughed at him lol. So I got my serious face on and said I would help. I dove on the ground and pretended to give it Mouth to mouth resusitation (CPR to you youngen's out there). It was probobly the sadest day of my life... at least for my friend...///MUAHAHAHAHA
3 repairs... all refurbs. Current one freezes up sometimes playing forza 2. My first 360 lasted over a year. The second broke the first day. My third broke the first week. My fourth has lasted a while now, although it freezes up in the car-select screen in forza 2 sometimes. The one thing I learned out of it all is that xbox support phone people, including (especially) the elite agents, are not to be trusted. They told me whatever I wanted/needed to hear to get me off the phone, and then denied it later.
I;ve sent my 360 in 4 times in 2 years, it sucks ass, so next time it happens, im demanding two 360's =]=] :squirrel_giggle: