Microsoft May Be Ready to Steal more Exclusives from Sony

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by EpicFishFingers, Jan 14, 2009.

  1. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Last year, Final Fantasy and Tekken jumped from the "Sony Exclusive" ship and became our own exclusives. This year, they're hinting at taking even more high-profile exclusives for themselves with their chequebook of DOOM!

    Anyway, what PS3-exclusives would you like to see on the 360 realistically (They won't give up MGS 4 and R2 without a fight...) this year?

  2. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Well the sales of the PS3 are looking pretty slim right now, and if it continues at this rate, no one is going to make a game strictly for PS3.

    I don't think we'll see MGS leave Sony... the only way I can see that happening is if Sony's gaming division goes under and they become a third party developer like Sega did. It could happen...

    I'd like to see Gran Tourismo on the 360. Sexy game.
  3. DocMan

    DocMan Ancient
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    You do know that MGS4 is in pre-development for the 360 right now...

    And FFXIII isn't a 360 exclusive now, it's just coming to our system as well as the PS3. And the PS3 still has FFVersusXIII going for it, which is saying something.
  4. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    That's only a rumor. There has been no official word as far as I'm aware.

    TBH, I can't think of any that would interest me. The only reason I'd buy a PS3 is if they made a 'Tales of' game exclusively for it. I can't even think what games they have to offer at the moment.
  5. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    If this is true, I'm gonna be so happy. I mean, MGS 2 somehow got over to the original Xbox. I would so so damn happy if MGS4 shipped to the 360. The online play would be tremendously awesome then.

    Oh yeah, MGS4 is what I'm hoping for the 360 to get. Can you tell?
  6. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Not really. My source is the official Xbox 360 Magazine and they say it's unlikely we'll be able to bag MGS 4 or Resistance 2 (R2). I dunno whether what that other guy said about it being in pre-development stages for the 360 is true or not though.
    #6 EpicFishFingers, Jan 14, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2009
  7. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    lolz u r all teh n00I3z!!!!!1 I got both and i have resistance fall of man it is the best wen i finish ill get r2! mofos!!!!!
  8. 07WRX

    07WRX Ancient
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    I think it's funny, Sony wrote the original xbox off at first and now they are paying for it.
  9. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    I want God of War 3, R2, and future Ratchet and Crank games ( Loved it on my ps2)
  10. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    I would definetly love to see Kingdom Hearts on the Xbox 360. I'd also like to see Little big planet too.

    Im not a sony fan anymore. The reason why is because my ps1's and 2's were always messing up. I literally had like 4 playstations stacked up on eachother and made a PS4 (Lolz), I also owned like 3 ps2's. 360 has its problems but i never had to buy another one. I don't know whay problems PS3 has though...
  11. Security

    Security Ancient
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    Well, since I don't have a PS3, these are the games that I want to come to Xbox so I can play them. Little Big Planet, MGS4, Resistance 2, and I would like there to be a Home type thing for Xbox LIVE users, and you can use your avatar.
  12. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    I don't really care about MGS4, i don't really think it's that awesome.

    Honestly, i love the xbox lineup already soo much. the only thing i would really want would be little big planet, but i doubt that'll ever cross over.

    oh and for the record, while ps3 sales have dropped, they've maintained very strong ps2 sales continuously since it's release.
  13. The Effected

    The Effected Ancient
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    Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter, and Gran Turismo.
  14. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    I agree. Even though Final Fantasy and tekken are now on the 360, I don't play them. Even if all of the PS3 exclusives moved to the 360, I'd probably never buy any of them (well, maybe LittleBigPlanet and GT 5). If I liked PS3's exclusives, I would have gone for the PS3.
  15. 07WRX

    07WRX Ancient
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    God of war would be the only one I'd like to see jump ship really.
  16. TexturedSun

    TexturedSun Ancient
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  17. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    I hope you're wearing fire proof clothing.
  18. 07WRX

    07WRX Ancient
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    ZOMG Textured ur such nub, Ps3 is teh 1337 failzorz ... omgwtfbbq ur so ghey for liekin Ps3 u prolly have sexay timez with ur momm.

    you know I'm just kidding Text .... I couldn't resist .... LOL
  19. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    No trolling my thread, lowly mod.
  20. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    The only reason why that happened was because they f'd up sonic, which was their no.1 game. They did this when the dreamcast didn't sell. It didn't sell because with bad marketing combined with a terrible release date, the sega dream cast was only bought by hardcore sonic fans, (like my brother) and people who thought that this whole "online gaming thing" might be worth a shot. Lol. I bought like 4 off of ebay (for like 20$ a piece), but most people don't even know what a sega dreamcast is. In my opinion it had graphics and technology at least two or three years ahead of it's time. It's a shame that sega bit the dust, but hey, I have an xbox 360.
    If you don't know who sega is, just go to an arcade and look at EVERY SINGLE logo on the side of the machines. They were great game developers, and they basically stomped out the competition with virtua fighter and whatnot. They were going places. Suddenly though, they just started to make stupid decisions that eventually led to their doom.
    So, is the same happening to playstation? Lets see.

    1. -Console is not doing well due to bad marketing/release date- This is basically happening. They are overpriced, don't appeal to online gamers as much as the xbox, and released basically at the same time as the xbox 360 and wii, so they're getting their asses kicked.
    2. -Console's technology is not being used to it's best, or does not appeal to the general person yet- Well, blue ray for example. Alot of games look better on the 360. It is basically an additional amount of money you have to pay for something that most people will never really get to see.
    3. -Console game exclusives are going downhill- Yeah I'm pretty sure we all could agree with that.
    4. - Making stupid decisions- No rumble in the controller. Tilt function instead. That was a stupid decision. Granted, they fixed it, but it still had a huge impact in the beginning.
    5. -Company has lost fans- Well, this one is the only thing keeping them in the game. They still have a lot of fans, while sega lost almost all of them when the 64 and ps1 came out. I guess we'll see.

    I guess if they keep going this way, they are going to fail as a company soon.

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