Well this guy was right about 2 maybe 3 things. My headset is fine. Hasn't broken at all. My 360 has not had to be returned once so far. And points aren't so bad. However he was right about the controlers, the worldwide release, vista, and the core.
Windows Vista is really good for me, I havent had a single problem ... it's actually alot better than expected, people actually exaggerate that view way to much, heres my point listen up. Obviously if windows XP had been out for 7 - 8 years people will start making programs based on it for all that time games have been made, programs made. Now that vista is out obviously some of those aint going to work, but then (lightbulb) new versions of your missed programs will come back in new versions. I just wish people would look into it more without spreading the roomer. Steve xxx Mwah
Meh thats just a big huge *****-list from someone who never plays their POS ps3 for it to have the change to break, and who sticks their 360 in a corner, with books on top of it and on a carpet floor. Four months post launch box, nouf said. MS doesn't need to worry because they did it right this time. This 360 is THE gaming console. On a side note: Notice how he didn't ***** about the 360 controller? Cuz it's awesome.
I agree with the battery issues and the headsets. I have to change my batteries constantly to keep the fricking controller running. And my headset hasn't been permanantly broken, but it has crapped out several times. And the size of the power is pretty ridiculous, too. It weighs almost as much as a Wii (and that's not including the 360 itself).
The controllers eat batteries, but the play and charge kit sucks just as bad! I had mine for a month of non-live playing (little to none) and the damn thing can't be taken off the charger or it dies. So basically I have a wired controller now.
My play and charge kits barely charge, or my battery power has run dead. They last without the charger for like..1 hour then I gotta charge them again. >:O
no they just hate you, ive never gotten RRoD because i have to laptop coolers on mine that keep it cool to the touch after 15 hours of gaming.
Lol what also makes me laugh is that he complains about batteries in the 360 controller. Ever play a Wii. Batteries last seriously like five hours of play. It's soooooo annoying.
I got my 360 when it first came out and it still works. Except for the fact that if I don't clean my Halo 3 disc after every use my 360 will say "please insert this Xbox 360 disc in to a 360 console" then I have to clean it .....agian....so my 360 has a complex yay!