blown out pf proportion. mother thinks becuase he is autistic he doesnt get up to no good. they dont label you as that unless they have solid proof.
Double Agreed. I've never seen this happen before, which means Microsoft doesn't do it regularly. They wouldn't have done it if he didn't mod his gamerscore.
Goddamnit I don't think they're telling the full story. The mother is acting like her child would never step out of line and shouldn't be punished because he has a disability.
In all seriousness, how many parents really know what their children do with their gaming systems? Sure there are parents that game with their children, but overall the percentage is probably extremely low, especially for mothers.
Did you see the video? Kid needs to wash his hands. Also he's 11 and was playing Dead Space, quality parenting. The kid should maybe get over his addiction and try to combat his autism, he can't be babied all his life.
They updated the story. Apparently they have investigated it, and the mother was told why and for legal reason's they can't tell anyone else what proof they have. So the mother is saying "I don't know why they are doing this," she actually means something more like "I've been told what he did, but I'm going to say they had no reason so they look like the bad guys and my son gets everything back so I don't have to waste anymore time consoling him."
Not surprised. "My sons got a disorder, he can't have done something" has changed to "My sons got a disorder, he shouldn't be held accountable" tbh.
The rest of the story was that the kid gave his account to a 'friend' to get something called Recon Armor. After hearing that, I felt no more remorse for the kid.
Exactly. The sheer fact he was autistic was enough to make the media baww. Ive never seen microsoft do this wrongly to people, or make mistakes about it. So its obvious something was done.
I hate it when people hide behind an illness. Sure there are times an illness can get it the way of something but this isn't it. Sounds like the mother uses the fact that her son is autistic to say he can do what he wants but then to protect him when the situation allows it. It sucks the kid is autistic but if you're cheating, you should be called out and punished unless there is a damn, DAMN good reason for it (in the vein of mentally able to) . I don't give a **** who you are or what problems you have. You play by the same made up rules like everyone else. I feel for him on the autistic level but not the cheating. Him being autistic, by the way, is the only reason it is a story. /ragerant
5 Terrifying Online Trends (Invented By the News Media) | It's a variation of this, but instead of the videogame doing the wrong it's the company. The boy's Autistic and it has to do with that devil technology stuff. It makes for a great headline.
Conclusion to this story Kid gave his GT and login information to someone, that person than used a modded xbox to get achievements the kid didn't earn. Parents apparently knew about it but said, screw it, this seems legit. Microsoft gave the kid a new account and free month(lol) gold membership
However, due to the media backlash Microsoft received from this story, the company has offered to give Julias a free month of Xbox Live Gold and a brand new Gamertag, without the "Cheater" label.[/quote] I never thought I'd say these words, but I actually feel bad for MS. Obviously they haven't really lost out and this is just a gesture to counter the baseless accusations they're getting, but man. They owe this kid, or rather his mother, nothing if you ask me. He did something stupid and got punished for it, and people who play the disability card when they know full well that they're in the wrong irritate the hell out of me, honestly I'm kinda surprised she shared this email since it basically clarifies the situation as her being an opportunistic liar. Funny how the story has turned around over the course of information coming out.
Wait, she gave out the E-mail, maybe we should try a Forge Hub edition of the 4chan DDoS attack jk EDIT: Nevermind, I just had a thought, what if he had more than a month on the then the kid's mom lost out on paying for Live, and she even gets to think she won XD