Well, Debate on whether you think he was a good or bad person. Give evidence, dont just say, "he raped kids he should die" Please. Ill start of by just saying, he wasnt that good of a man, sure his music was great, but most of the other actions he has done gave him a bad reputation. Showing up to court in Pajama's, Dangling babies from balconies. Idk, he just, isnt a good man IMO kgo.
Uhhh, you sort of spelled his name wrong. Its "Michael" not "Micheal". I know, its a common mistake... But anyway, Michael doesn't "sux". He didn't rape any damn kids. This is why people should listen to tabloids, they're just rumors. He was a great man, entertainer, and humanitarian who cared for children. There's nothing wrong with that. Lets just come back to reality and get our minds out of the gutter. I mean why would anyone let their child in a strangers room, alone! I don't care if he's famous, I wouldn't let my child stay with no one that they do not know... So that's just one point...
Yes, he's done bad things. Yes, he's fundamentally changed music. This man is gone from the world, and we're debating whether is actions were good or not. Seriously people, the man died. Show some goddamn respect.
'Tis all opinion but really, what does it matter? It's not like you'll miss him; you never met him and if you did, I doubt it would have been on a regular basis. He lives on through his music and hopefully, for his integrity, his legacy won't be tarnished by the paedophile case.
He wasn't trying to harm the child. There was people outside his hotel room, and you know how people get when celebrities and their children are around. I guess he was trying to show them his kid. Yeah, it was a stupid thing of him to do, but it seems like people only recognizes him mostly about the controversial things that are involved with him, and not the positive...
I find it funny people indecisively join in on the Michael Jackson debate without knowing the facts, and events. In my opinion, I don't believe he was a pedophile, or a child molester. I will say he's different than most of us, but I could blame that on his personal/past life. He was an abused child, marketed, and used for publicity. Tormented by his father, and living with vitiligo (A god dam disease changing your skins pigmentation, literally giving you bleached white patches of skin. He bleached his entire body to prevent from looking like a mixed person, definitely making his appearance much less normal. So please shut the **** up with all this bullshit he did it for racial issues). As for the idiotic baby dangling thing, of course it was stupid. What do you want me to say? But he's a celebrity, just like Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, and Lindsay Lohan. Their life is constantly nit-picked by the media, and every action made is turned into controversy, and genocide. Plus, he hung it over the railing for like what, 3 seconds? I'm not saying the child still could of been severely hurt, but he obviously didn't do it to be a 'bad' person, like you claim him to be. Also, if you were to watch and listen to close affiliates, you would know of how his entire life was changed from abuse as a child. He kept everything private and secure, like masking his children, and covering his face. He didn't want people inside his life. I won't go into detail about the molestation cases, but he was found not guilty god dammit. Along with the fact that the accuser even admitted that he lied about the accusations. Plus Michael even decided to pay the ****er, after the jurisdiction. Which was a stupid move, seeing how everyone claims that to be bribe money. If this debate prolongs itself, I may decide to continue, but I request this to be locked seeing it serves no real purpose, and is obviously opinionated. How do you even judge a man that no one here even knew?
Would you show respect for Hitler or a terrorist no of course not His actions prove that he is not worthy of recieving respect, he showed no respect so he gets no respect in return. Who gives a **** if he made good music look at his actions that's what decides how he should be treated not the music.
Exactly, he shouldn't be only respected because of his great music, what has he done to earn respect?
My opinion is greatly expressed through this video. Michael, as odd as some thought him to be, really wasn't that bad a person. As of right now, there's also zero proof that he ever had inappropriate interactions with children. Just watch the video, its worth it. YouTube - Michael Jackson
Raynne, in your video, he said the only evidence that he is a good person is that he donated, thats the only thing that guy has to back his story up.
There's no real evidence that he's a bad person though. The video explains why he had his nose redone. The video explains why his skin is bleached. The video explains how he donated to 39 different charities. The video explains how he broke racial barriers through music. The video doesn't go into great depth about his child molesting case, but again, there's currently no valid proof to plead him guilty. I think his negative publicity broke him at times, making his image a bit worse than it already was.
I think his mind worked different than most of ours...he was completely dedicated to stuff like his performances and wanted to be left alone, along with (my impression at least) a dedication to children that had nothing sexual to do with it. I didn't see the dangling as a huge deal. He was probably high, and compared to what most famous people do, that really wasn't much. I think he probably invited children over to try to have them live the life he never had as a kid...I don't think anything sexual went on (as the reports were). Overall, great music, but there's not really any way to know who he really was past speculation.
That's no evidence he's a bad person LOL IMO, the way his mind works (he's probably high to add to that) is that he's showing his baby to the people. Not a good move traditionally, but definitely not a show of a 'bad person'. Plus, one thing doesn't make him a bad person. You guys watch too much TV.
The thread title should really be "Was Michael Jackson right in the head?" He was not necessarily a bad person, but he was screwed up and didn't think things through alot of times. Arguing good and bad is completely opinion, and there are no facts that can prove someone's morality. While some may view Hitlers reign and genocide as evil, there were plenty of people who thought it was the right thing to do and supported him. That's just one example. Arguing good and evil is simply arguing semantics.