I just heard some rumors at work, but I have no idea if they are true or not. I heard that when he stretches, his right arm goes around his body to the left and his left arm goes around to his right (like his is hugging himself) and his hands can actually touch behind his back. He supposedly has a really long "wingspan". I also heard that he eats like 11,000 calories a day. I don't even know if that is possible, but we started joking about how he must **** every 20 minutes. Imagine if he's right in the middle of a race: "and Phelps just dropped a log in the water... wait, it's floating over into the other lane, another competitor just swam into it, and now he's trashing violently in the water!"
He must be like the terminator. HE looks and behaves human, but he's really a machine bent on saving a boy that will eventually destory his own machine race.
I believe he is a man, I dont think they allow machines to compete in the Olympics. Unless its the special olympics and a machine is a wheelchair (sarcasm)
Omg micheal phelps is a beast so crazy has anyone noticed how modest he is about it all its like he doesnt even care its weird... when hes getting interviewed...
Its true! He also has a 12 foot blue ox friend! In all seriousness, he does consume about 12000 calories a day....here is a list of the things he will eat in ONE day: Breakfast: 3 fried egg sandwiches, 2 cups coffee, 5-egg omlette, bowl of grits, 3 pieces of french toast, 3 chocolate chip pancakes Lunch: 1 pound pasta, 2 ham and cheese sandwiches, energy drink (1,000 calorie) Dinner: 1 pound pasta, 1 large pizza, energy drink (1,000 calorie) Three years ago, Phelps told an interviewer: I eat pretty much whatever I want. I don't have a strict diet. It's all about cramming in as many calories into my system as I possibly can. To be honest with you, I have a tough time keeping weight on. This man is clearly a legend.
That guy is defenitely a machine. He didn't only break the world record for most olympic gold medals by 1, but by 2! There's no way any normal human could do that so easily... it makes you wonder... Disclaimer: STEROIDS
Are you serious? The dude is open to all drug testing, and just because he set the world record, he is a cheater? Was Mark Spitz a cheater since he held the record before him. Why do you assume it was easy for him either? Records in swimming are being broken left and right because of better training regimens (Phelps eating 12,000 calories a day), equipment is getting better (Phelps is wearing the Speedo suit that feels like a second skin), and the pools are being made faster (the one at the Cube has ropes that cut down rope resistance and the depth and gutter design of the pool make it faster).
He has actually voulenteered to take the most strict drug testing available, and he's passed every time. This guy is legit, he is too legit to quit....
When I watch him he's absolutely amazing...miles ahead of any other swimmers. Obviously he's a man, a man who works out and who is at the peak of his carrer. I don't know how he does it... He also became the most successful Olympian today - 11 gold medals or something...it shouldn't be this easy for him.
He neither a machine or a man. You know in Men in black how the bug wears the guys skin. Well Michael Phelps is a dolphin in a mans skin. Don't ask me how he fits!
No... The only reason the bug could do that was he was a cockroach and they bend into small shapes easily. Like oooh a Ipod.. I fit one in my dead ipod...
I know what you mean! Micheal Phelps cannot be human! Hes tanking! He beat a world record even with water in his goggles so he couldnt see! If he never he would of smashed the world record!
Phelps is now a perfect 7 for 7 so far. He won the 100m Butterfly by a mere one-hundredth of a second (.01s). The other guy kinda blew it, tried to glide in a bit, and Phelps was lucky to get to the wall first, propelling the whole way. Its those long arms, man. But still, he was losing for 95% of the race, then made a miraculous comeback in the last 10 or so meters. It really is ridiculous how amazing the dude is at what he does.
Yeah he just won one a few minutes ago didn't he? i was going to watch it but i went to go eat food instead. i'd like to think i did better things with my time, but who knows.
he actually won it close to a day ago now, but it wasnt aired in america til just about 45 minutes ago. watch espn tonight, the finish is seriously ridiculous.
He almost freaking broke his fingers into the wall as he finished. People are taught to glide coming into the wall like the other guy did, but he broke that rule by taking a part of another stroke. He would be wearing silver if he did the right thing, glide because he was definitely behind the other guy. I think he is meant to win 8. The relay should be dominated by the US.