As a swimmer, you're in your prime for only so long. 8 years from now he won't be as fit, probably. Is marijuana considered illegal by the Olympic community?
i've got a friend who knows people that have partied with michael phelps (when he trained in michigan). Apparently he's a HUGE douche irl. when he arrived at any party the reaction he'd get would be "god damnit, michael phelps is here again... ****." He'd show up, take a bunch of booze and pot, then leave. true stories.
well, i never really saw him as a role model. just because hes considered one of the best swimmers in the world does not mean hes earned my respect. hes 23 many 23 yr olds do the same thing he does, besides the Olmpics situation. he souldnt be treated any differently as my Civics teacher said "Lidsay Lohan snorted half of Peru, got into a car accident and only got off with a warning and a hug" thats basically whats happening with Phelps.
Loved the quote about Lindsay Lohan. Anyway, they wont arrest you for admiting you did pot in the past :/
my spanish teacher knew him, she got pics of proof lol. they were both on the swimming team or something like that(shes now the swimming coach of my school)
Its like, why even compete if that douche is always going to beat you by a mile everytime. That would really suck.
Don't. She might start crying, and realize how she has to teach high school kids instead of be a world champion. (Except he aint that cool now, eh?)
that would be great! lol and im pretty sure my teacher is 26 or 7 nao so it mightve been 3-4 yrs nao.
"Bad company corrupts good character" thats why he peobably does this because he got famous and hung out with all the "cool people" and is now just as bad off and even worse then those "cool people"
I don't know why I posted that thing before, twas a dumb thing to say. Anyway, guess I should toss that Michael Phelps autobiography I got for Christmas.
A real role model shouldnt be a famous person because so they are a good actor or athlete or public speaker but if they are leaving their faithful wives for 18 golddiggers or doing drugs or cheating then why should you look up to them. A good role model should be an adult that has never been unfaithful or has never ler you down and is trying to make others lives better or is making time while holding a hard job that is a role model not a famous liar who is all about themselves and is patting themselves on the back to thinking that they did everything that got them there by themselves and no one helped them their.
im not saying that he isnt a role model to people but he shouldnt be so he won 8 gold metals but he is willing to throw it all away for a short high then he doesnt deserve them if he is going to act that way he should be thankful that he is lucky enough to be able to win them
My brother met him once, he said Phelps is kind of a ****. But my brother still supported him in the Olympics. And so do I, no matter if pot is involved. I have friends who do it, but i don't and they know how to control themselves.