The paper has a photo of Phelps smoking from a bong, a water pipe normally used for smoking marijuana. (View the photo here.) The alleged photo was taken at the University of South Carolina in Columbia, where Phelps was visiting a female student who he was secretly seeing. The paper's anonymous source relates that Phelps partied hard each night he was there, which is not out of keeping with other reports of the Olympian since his swimming triumphs. Phelps has acknowledged that the photo showing him smoking marijuana from a bong is real. He released this statement: "I engaged in behavior which was regrettable and demonstrated bad judgment. I'm 23 years old and despite the successes I've had in the pool, I acted in a youthful and inappropriate way, not in a manner people have come to expect from me. For this, I am sorry. I promise my fans and the public it will not happen again."
I don't really think it's that big of a deal. He's still a kid, he made a mistake, the only problem is that kids look up to him, that's what makes it a big deal.
That's not a mistake! It doesn't affect anyone in any way except him! Why should other people care? It's not like he was caught using steroids.
Smoking is seriously the worst thing a pro swimmer can do. I don't necessarily hold it against him because it wasn't illegal, but if he makes a habit out of pot, he can say goodbye to the 2012 olympics.
That's a shame. The rules stipulate that all he needed was two more gold medals and he could've traded in all 16 to the US government for a legal bong hit.
My god, a college-age student smoking a natural substance that's been deemed illegal by the corporations that can't control it's market. What horror has this world come to? I'm sure if he was drinking a ****ing beer (which he probably was) no one would say anything, despite the fact that alcohol does more damage to the body and mind.
Steroids I agree. It's not like pot is going to make him a better swimmer. Steroids would be way worse. Now if he was a competitive eater, and he got caught smoking pot, then it could be considered a performance enhancing drug. He's doing his own thing on his own time.
PhillyD said it best. If you think your child hasn't tried it yet, then you are disillusional, or they are the best child ever. But if your afraid that just because some Olympic winner smoked weed, it will result in your child doing it too, then there is NO HOPE at all for that kid if he is so easily influenced.
wow the guy smokes pot big deal. i mean i know poeple look up to him but you must be stupid to think kids will do the same thing that crap can kill you if you abuse it
The guy just won tons of records, won 8 gold medals, wins at life, then BAM. A guy like this should know better. All these kids look up to him, and suddenly they see such an important figure like him doing such a thing, and BAM. It's like how Britney Spears' sister got pregnant, while having her own Nickelodeon show. What kind of example do they want to set for us?
This guy is a moron. Being a professional athlete means the media is constantly on your case. Obviously if you're doing something that many look down on, the media will be there to capture, publish, and humiliate you.
Olympic rules state that any athlete caught abusing any illegal drug is banned from competing for four years. Phelps just kissed any chance of a repeat performance goodbye.