no they do not jump over the wall but that did just give me a really good idea thank you! ill be sure to say your name in my next post if i use the idea. again thank you.
Where are they geomerged? I don't see any in the pictures, and I see very minor interlocking. This shouldn't of taken 2 hours, even with the minor interlocking, and with the geomerging you claim there is, it still would've taken most people on this forum 10-20 minutes.
well you wouldnt know what is geomerged seeing as though you have not downloaded it and the interlocking took a while to make it neat. Do not judge a map by its cover. And with that v2 will be being finished today or tomorrow along with mexico v1.1 1.1 is an aesthetic version of mexico and v2 is a better map and has more to it than v1 and takes more strategy
Can you tell us how they are strategically placed boxes? Are they just there for spawns and no spawn killing or what? You just need more of a description, and maybe explain what a fiesta gametype is, because honestly, IDK. But i think that it is probably random weapons, and maybe little health? Then you also said this? Well honestly, if it doesnt look visually pleasing, people wont download, even if you tell them that it is the best game ever. I've tried to do that with one of my maps, Evolution, but still, people won't download it, unless there is something unique about it. To the common person, all that they see is a bunch of boxes in a large open area. I know you can say it is a lot of fun to everyone, but very few people will download it, just off of words.