Debate 'Mexican' A Racial Slur...?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Mikey, Sep 6, 2008.

  1. Stratigon13

    Stratigon13 Ancient
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    It definately depends on the context. If somone is from mexico they are a mexican. If someone is from another spanish speaking country than that is stereotyping. Its like calling any Asian person Chinese or Japanese. I definately think the term mexican is over used which is why I use Hispanic unless I know that that person is really from Mexico.
  2. Felipe dos

    Felipe dos Ancient
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    I think it's just hypersensitivity due to the way that some people might say "Mexican" with a conescending tome. Others might be offended if they are not from Mexico and are called Mexican. It's like calling anyone of Asian descent "Chinese".
    But no, I don't think it's a hurtful word at all. The fact that it is considered to be is all just the result of some misunderstandings and other people who try to make it a hurtful word.
  3. KB

    KB Ancient
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    Goodness it is SOOO retarded... People use almost everything you say as a racist comment. I know people say our country is growing more racist and what not but it really isn't. People who are not caucasian just use it as an excuse for what I depict as attention. Mexican is NOT a racial slur. It is a racial slur if you consider "American" a racial slur or "British" a racial slur.
  4. Warfang

    Warfang Ancient
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    I wouldn't get upset if someone calls me an American, so I cannot imagine why would anyone take offense to this. Maybe its not even that anyone thinks its offensive, teachers might want to promote unity, despite race.
  5. yomtvraps

    yomtvraps Ancient
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    ok it's gotten ridiculous. mass amouts of people coming to our country. It's becoming more and more apparent lately. The economy has been failing, they (south americans/ latinos) are overpopulating and have kids at a young age, and are messing up the wages because awhite person used to do a job for lik 8.50 an hour but now there all here taking similar jobs for way less. Which puts a white person out of a job and leads to another impoverished latino family.

    The other day some moronic latino called for his dog to come across the street where the speed limit is like 40 and theres 6 lanes. the dog jolts across the road, and i had to swerve out of the way to miss it.

    Neither of the presidential candidates will be able to do anything either. How do you kick out every illegal imigrant? It's impossible theres way to many. The problems spread to far. building a wall won't do anything, or tightening the security. The problem is too widespread.

    I have a few Latino friends because I play soccer. I don't hate Latinos its just really annoying how bad there messing up the country. And messing it up for themselves to, because the ones who come legally and work hard, get educated and highpaying jobs are getting cheated.

    So no I do not find the term offensive at all. Its not a racial slur its a nationality. When people askme if I'm english I don't throw a piss fit and say no I'm Italian that would sound ridiculous.
  6. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Well, look at the term 'gay'. It has been so overused improperly by homophobics that even by saying, 'Alex is gay', you get in trouble for it. 'Gay' itself has become an insult over the years of it's misuse. To call someone/something 'gay' now is almost analogous to calling someone/something stupid. So reasonably, after years of illegal Mexican immigration, the overwhelming view of Mexicans as a race is slowly also turning into the view of Mexicans as border-jumpers.

    I'm not saying that I like it. People get too butthurt over everything this days. I mean, it's one thing to call someone a racial slur, such as if someone calle me a 'dirty Jap'. But it would be another if I 'defend' myself and get all sore about it, like some people do.
    Warfang likes this.

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