Playing this in CTF with you was alot of fun. The has map has alot of great features like the clocktower. Great job on this one 5/5
AS I recall this map was a ton of fun playing on. The map had great aesthetics, witch made me want to see more around every corner. Some times I found myself looking around dazed at how pretty the map looks. Like com'on the crane? Has anyone eles seen that before? No. It was original and he pulled it off perfect to. The game play on this map speaks for its self. It was very balanced and it left you begging for more. The weapons were all placed in perfect locations, on the maps perfect layout. The thing I liked most about this map wasn't the head-long feel to it. It was Paulie's awsome ability to make very nice houses. I liked the house in this map. The balcony was great. All in all you did a fantastic job on this. I really liked it and I can see it becoming very popular soon. Possibly the front page!
This map looks VERY interesting I really like how you've laid it out and the "centrepeice" if you will. All of it looks great with the housing and all. The clock is reallly cool its epic how you have 12 hands or whatever and they're in the right spot!
thanks for the wall of text blood, im really happy everyone likes the map so far, and has positive things to say =D
All I can say right now is finally. I have wondered when you were going to finish this. I remember awhile ago when you showed me this in early stages and I think the clocktower thing is amazing. Very aesthetically well made. It is a good fusion of your house making skills and a competitive map.
After that game I played with Paulie on this map, I had to post my thoughts since it was so fun. Fun really is one of the best words to use when describing this map, and is by far its strongest attribute. Even though the game was plagued with a mass of regens (is this still the case Paulie?), no one seemed to care. There we're plenty of laughs in the game, and its the kind of map where you don't even mind dying that much. That's not to say it isn't a very high quality map, its no one-trick pony and has alot of longevity. I'm sure games on this map could be very tense if the players were serious about it, and it has highly competitive potential. Balance isn't a problem, and the "highway" (which is an awesome aesthetic feature in itself, as well as being a big part of this levels fun gameplay) serves to divide the map perfectly, making attacking a reasonable proposal. I had worries about how open the map was in areas, under the highway in particular, but it actually worked really well in game. Despite its simplicity, the highway seemed to fill the space perfectly, and I found no problems of being caught out in the open. Due to the angles available from the high vantage points, the lower level is covered enough from above to be traversable, and it was actually really nice to see an uncluttered play area that worked well. The aesthetics on this map are great, and you have a talent for creating very immersive environments with a clear theme. The city feel is very apparent, and, again, the highway really compliments the map well. Jumps up high are very nicely spaced, and I liked the way you could crawl all over the clocktower and surrounding structures. The main structure looked really good and played well, forging quality is good and there were no real bumpy surfaces or grenade traps that I found. It had nicely spaced entrances and I liked how the only top floor position that covered both entrances was vulnerable from outside, it was a nice balance between attacker and defender. I have a couple of suggestions as far as weapon placement goes. The majority of it was good (despite previously stated regen spamming), but I thought that the Sniper Rifle was a little too close to the defender base. I kinda feel it should be given to the attackers at spawn (or thereabouts), so they have something to work with, and sniping from the top of the highway is a real blast. I think a shotgun would go nicely in its place, so the defenders can get it if they're on the ball, but its also a nice attack weapon if they forget about it. My friend Neven Verano was also in the game, and has been playing this map ever since, he really loves it. This was great because it reminded me of a map which had slipped my mind, and I'm so glad it did as Metro now holds a solid spot on my hard drive. This is gonna be one of those maps I love to do customs on, and you should feel good about another good map Paulie, be sure to let me know when your next creation is done as I wanna see it ASAP.
This map looks amazing! Even though I have never played this map, and my only experience of it are the screenshots that I’m looking at on my low quality computer monitor, and I have no idea of how the map plays except what you just told me, I’ll give you the best score possible and completely invalidate anyone else’s attempt to actually play this map and give it the score it actually deserves based on it’s playability, flow, weapon balance, and the skill of construction. JK Love this map Paulie, I had a lot of fun helping you. I knew this map was going to be amazing the first time you showed it to me when you where working on it.
thanks for the wall of text mate, and i fixed the regen problem, and thanks everyone for the great feedback
Looks really good paulie, I'm assuming the only reason it's not in the aesthetic map section, is because you made it really playable. Glad to see that. The clocktower (As everyone has mentioned looks really fricken good. I know from experience that doing the node thing can be a major pain. Also, the one thing that really caught my eye was that damn crane, I don't think I've seen one implemented yet. Though, if you think about it, that should have been a no-brainer...Nice goin man. Though, as for a negative part of my post, I would just like to say I would reaaaally like to see you detract from the houses mate, maybe even a full-on detract from urban warfare. Then you would get your creative juices a'flowin... <3 Tex.
hey guess what? shotgun ftw. anyways... this map looks beastly. Reminds me of a tiny headlong. of course the clocktower is great [shakes fist], and the crane is really innovative. other than the clocktower though, my favorite part is the highway. i always love catwalk type things. reminds me of a resident evil themed map.
The clocktower is EPIC. Really, really cool idea. Id expect that to get copied a few times in the future. Hooray for being innovative!
QFT. I would usually say that teleporter light signs are rather overused and unoriginal now, but what you've done here is awesome. I think what you've done with the central building shows some real forging talent. So often we see buildings with cramped rooms with only a few routes of entry leading to camping. This looks open and spacious and so good for gameplay. The only bad thing I have to say is that I'm not sure I like that big ramp "highway". Not very attractive in my opinion, I think the space probably could've been used better.
I'm gonna haev to agree with everyone else, that clocktower is amazing. Overall there doesnt appear to be many flaws. DL'd. I'd have to say you're one of the better urban map makers. Great job.
Lots of really cool features on this map. I thought it was going to be the french subway but nvm lol. That musta taken ages interlocking into the foundry crane. It seems well made and even the clock hs the right amount of points on it. 5/5
thanks for the great feedback everyone, the story behind the highway is, i wanted to use foundrys annoying claw and make it into a crane, so i made it like the crane is putting the highway together.
Ohh Yes i almost forgot to comment on my friends map. I remember forgeing with him when it was almost done. I thought some of the cool features of the map was the "Clocktower" and the "crane" how he used it for the benefit of the map instead of inpeading the map. Even through i have yet to play on this map i bet the gameplay is amazing just reading the comments of the map and i cant wait to play on it. And the last thing i have to say on this is you did a very nice job on the map and i cant wait to see the next great creation on the map...