
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Paulie Walnuttz, Jul 30, 2008.

  1. Paulie Walnuttz

    Paulie Walnuttz Ancient
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    Metro V2 is out! Metro is an a-symetrical urban map that consists of a 3 story main building and little buidings around it. There is a highway in the middle that is just about finished with a crane lifting one of the last sections in. There are large towers that stretch from foundrys floor to the ceeling. There is a clock tower and a wall of catwalks that can be used to get into the main buildings upper floor. There are little bridges here and there made of fencewalls or bridges.

    One flag and one bomb works the best for this map, but you can also play:

    weapons list:
    battle fifle x9
    plasma rifle x2
    smg x2
    assault rifle x2
    brute shot x1
    shotgun x1
    rockets x1
    sniper riflex1

    regenerater x1
    powerdrain x1
    bubblesheild x1
    deplyoyable cover x1

    now for the pics

    the main building, where the bomb plant and flag spawn are located

    a shot of the back of the main building

    the back ally behind main building

    the catwalks and the clock tower, use the catwalks to get to upper floor of the main building, and theres a lift to the left of the clocktower.

    the highway

    a shot of the highway from the front

    the crane [yes i used foundrys crane and made a real looking crane]

    the clocktower, ive seen it done before by big nelson, just giving him props

    a little foot bridge leading to the main building

    looking down the highway at the slums of the city, attackers start

    now heres some action shots
    That had to hurt...
    The streets are not to safe..
    hes in the flag room!
    almost home.....

    special thanks to sirtoppomhat1, and twosaltednuts, for just being awesome.
    ... and halostriker214 for simply talking to while i made the map.

    please comment and download, enjoy!

    Download-click here

    #1 Paulie Walnuttz, Jul 30, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2008
  2. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
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    i love the interlocking n this map and i love the gameplay. 5/5 for neatness and awesome forging skills!!!
    KB likes this.
  3. Jebus1001

    Jebus1001 Ancient
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    Sexy clock tower (and map) I like the highway too, it reminds me of that CS map with the warehouse, and the CTs spawn across from the warehouse and they have the buildings and highway to sneak into the warehouse and save the hostages (I totally forget what it's called)
  4. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    this is obviously your most playable map Paulie. You still got the house thing going on but you've added things to make it a competitive map. the aesthetics of the "destroyed" highway are remarkable. that was actually my favorite part when i played one match on it. there were some parts of the map that weren't used... but that's because it was one flag. i guess those parts could be used in a game of team slayer. it just seems like battle focuses on the house and the rest of the stuff is just there for aesthetics. i'd have to play a couple more matches on it tho. i'll get back to you then.
    Paulie Walnuttz likes this.
  5. flaming omelet

    flaming omelet Ancient
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    Nice well built map. Maybe a little open in some places, but all the other structures are awsome. 4.5/5
  6. Ja Red is Ninja

    Ja Red is Ninja Ancient
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    I alright. I have taken a really close look at this map. the clocktower is impressive, The "real" crane is amazing, and the design is perfect. I think that this is a must DL. 5/5
    #6 Ja Red is Ninja, Jul 30, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2008
  7. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    All i have to say is that clocktower is effing amazing, i seriously came when i looked at it. Then i had another forgegasm when i noticed that epic looking crane. That is the best use of that retarded little hook in the ceiling i've ever seen. From the screenshots this map is kick ass, i just wish foundry didnt look so... foundry. If you know what i mean.

    I have yet to know how it plays but some of the aesthetics are top of the line.
    KB likes this.
  8. Paulie Walnuttz

    Paulie Walnuttz Ancient
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    thanks for the amazing feedback everyone, i have to go out, so ill get back to any questions or comments later on this evening.
    thesilencebroken and KB like this.
  9. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
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    Paulie you finally released it and hopefully it will do well. The maps aesthetics are nice including the clocktower and the Crane. It played well and good that you added a shotgun into the Library because it was to damn hard to defend. Anyway keep up the nice work and thank you for giving BiggNelson the credit for the Clocktower Idea like I told you.
    Paulie Walnuttz likes this.
  10. Paulie Walnuttz

    Paulie Walnuttz Ancient
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    Thanks halo, I put a long time into this map
  11. Techne

    Techne Ancient
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    Wow, I think this map is aesthetically amazing. I'm assuming from what I read that this can be played competitively as well? The house in the middle looks like it would be perfect for king of the hill or 1 flag. I've always wanted to make something like this and I'm glad someone did! Qued much?
  12. drak

    drak Ancient
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    NICE!!! i love the clocktower its awesome!!!
    5/5 for sure

    i cant really see the whole layout, suprisingly though
  13. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
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    I know I was in the party half the time you forged it.
  14. StreetSoccer12

    StreetSoccer12 Ancient
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    Nice map I remember playing it with you lol, but you left because it was too laggy.
  15. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    Hey Paulie. I like this map a lot.

    I am gonna skip past any praise you deserve for the construction and aesthetics of the map and go right to the gameplay.

    First thing I wanna say is that the overall feel of the map is solid. I like the ramp that leads to a similar plane as the top of the Tower, and the surrounding geometry is placed well. The only thing that worried me was the Regen at the top of the tower. It made the ease of defending the flag even easier. I like it up there, but maybe it could be set to respawn a little less frequently.

    Now I assume you left the Regen in, but I don't see it in the weapons list. I also know that there was other equipment and such, so maybe you could include that info in the main post.

    Lastly, I know you tested this and I am all for shots from Forge since I like to know where spawn points are, but you should definitely do some action shots. I think it improves the perception of a map greatly.

    So finally, great job and keep up the good work, I look forward to your future Forge creations :0)
  16. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    Wow seeing the way you made the teleporter tips in a circle really got my attention. Great job on this very nice map. Your interlocking and geoglitching looks perfect and this is definately a very well themed city. You have definately earned a DL from me! Another masterpiece from Paulie Walnutts.
  17. Pirates

    Pirates Ancient
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    seems alot like headlong in a way (big ramp)
  18. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    Dude Paulie, I remember when you started making this and all you had done was the building. I haven't played on this yet, but it looks like it can host some intense gamplay. I don't really see the point of the highway though, it seems out of place. Some features I liked in the map were the wire spools as pillars and that your merged a man-cannon down underneath the level. If you ever considering making a version 2, I think you should incorperate more route to get up into the main building, put some more cover on the ground floor, and make the highway a main piece that people need/want to control during a game.

    PS: Are you Paulie Walnutz Torba on that Myspace game "Mobsters"? If so you should let me get in your mob... =]
  19. Paulie Walnuttz

    Paulie Walnuttz Ancient
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    the regen has a boosted up respawn time, and thanks everyone for the good feedback
  20. Jump4h

    Jump4h Ancient
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    very cool map
    it has a unique style
    nice interlocking and designs

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