Hello forgers! I am here to present my new map to you all that may be part of a series if it is liked by many of you. It didn't take me that long to make. I just started forging one day cluelessly and came up with this. Any way, I have to give thanks to all the testers that helped me, especially Freezer Meat (No, he has no forgehub account). Anyway, most of you don't like the gametype 1 flag. Well if you don't leave now because that is this maps only gametype (for now). Anyway, on to the pics Oh but first thnx to BahhM15 for the wall canvas. I couldn't have done it without it. Overview Defenders Base (Attackers have no base) Rocket Bridge Defenders Ghost Somewhat smaller overview Turret SMGs That is about it. Thnx for reading. Bai Bai!!! Here is Download:Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Also here is the version with KOTH, Oddball, and Slayer:http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=25824154
Hey, this looks nice it seems very well planned out by the pics. I like the intelocking also, and the way used different forge items like walls and stairs for aesthetics good job
Lol, don't just spam, read his post. He said that he didn't plan this at all. I like the map, it's pretty generic, but I really like the defenders base just because its made of dumpsters. I don not however, like the (4 or 6)? Smgs right next to eachother. A map like this probably only needs one set. It looks well put together, maybe a little open in some areas, but i think I could play on this. 4/5 for now, I'll test this weekend if I can and edit this post. Love, Zachary9990
What is the purpose of the six SMGs all placed within like, 5 feet of eachother? Other than that, this map looks pretty good. The interlocking seems to be pretty flawless. Why is the only gametype 1 flag?
this map looks great i cant wait to test it!! come on he just probably diddn't read that part dont be mean
Good interlocking, but this defintly needs work on it. 3/5 and no DL, but goof ideas. Make it look better.
the rocket bridge and the ghost spawn seems pretty creative. Some things are that the walls are not interlocked at the defenders base. acually a lot of interlocking is off. I would make a V2 of this map with the interlocking. Then it would be a seriously awesome map. If you need any help with forging 101 things like interlocking and geomerging u can send me a message and i can help you. Other than the interlocking, the gameplay looks like it would be cool. I will download and get back to you with more stuff about the map.
the staris making a bridge, the gohst the setup of the map, the dumster strucktuer in the back, this map looks like a copied version of bloodfires map ramparts the dumster structure is like the barrier structure, the gohst, the staris making a bridge, it all points to you takin your map from bloodfire's map im not saying you used his map yu took maney key elements and re set it up tryto be more origional other than that the maps pretty pimpin, may not want so many smg's together
Ok now that's just spamming... Anyway... The map itself looks nice although I'm wondering if the Ghost is necessary... It doesn't seem to have much room to roam or do anything for that matter. If it's meant for the defender's give them a plasma turret or something instead (make sure that it has a long respawn so they aren't tempted to rip it off and walk around and also put it in an open area as opposed to a long hall where there is nowhere to hide.) The turret you have now seems to be in a spot where no one would go since the defender's base (and I'm assuming the flag...) is on the opposite side. Delete it, put a cool looking mini-base there and put the turret somewhere not lame. It would also be helpful to include pictures of both the flag spawn and return points... ESPECIALLY since it's only for this one gametype
looks pretty nice maybe place a bridge on top of the stairs makes it look better n gives it a nice touch
it looks more suited for slayer than ctf, besides foundry is too small for ctf in my opinion. extra note: dont start the post off with saying that you just threw it together, not a very good impression
Well done. I would suggest making, even just a small one, an attackers base. That way they don't just get spawn killed by the defenders. The ghost seems like it shouldn't be there just because most of the time people won't be on its level also. Great job.
The gameplay looks good, but you should add a wep list. Do you have a sniper? It would be good on this level. Also, you could use some interlocking. That would improve the map A LOT!!!!! I would remove the ghost too. Add a mongoose instead.
Nice bill117 its a good map but the smgs are close together and the ghost is pretty much worthless because theres no where to go but good interlocking and did you do geolocking. From:Gr33n n00t