Real Name: METALGE4RSOLID Based off of the Award-Winning PlayStation 1 game, Metal Gear Solid. MAP FOUND HERE : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing GAMETYPE FOUND HERE : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing This is no ordinary Assault Map. This is Tactical Espionage Action. Foxhound Special Forces Operative, Solid Snake must infiltrate the fortress, Shadow Moses, and destroy the Super Weapon, Metal Gear, via bomb, without being detected, and killed. Snake must find his way through Shadow Moses while evading guards, using his special skills, and stealth techniques. This game takes an ingenious and cunning single player to win, and it is not intended for the faint of heart. The best Snakes can complete the game without killing a single Defensive Player. Features -Assault-based map -Metal Gear Solid style stealth gameplay -Similar map/maze layout to the original game -Vulcan Raven's Tank, and Sniper Wolf Boss Fights -Various hidden objects and weapons and areas for Snake to find -Active Camouflage pickups Bomb-Carrier Traits -300% Damage Resistance -50% Recharging Shield -110% Speed -Active Camouflage -125% Damage with Bomb -Only 1 Man To pickup weapons with the bomb in hand, just let go of the bomb, and replace one of your weapons within a 30 second time period, or the bomb will reset. Recommended for 8-12 players. To many players, and Snake is dead, too little, and Snake will succeed in detonating the bomb. IMPORTANT: To play as Solid Snake, you must be the game's Party Leader. To allow another person to be Solid Snake, you must promote him or her to Party Leader. There can only be one Snake. Screenshots Solid Snake's Spawn Second Level of Shadow Moses It is wise to take out guards silently before you are detected Traverse various pathways to reach the end, and Metal Gear Use cover frequently "Snake, I'm near. Can't you sense me near you? " "Snakes don't belong in Alaska" Use grenades to destroy the Wraith, or search for the Rocket Launcher Criticism greatly is appreciated.
Ok hello you need some pictures and also i would put this under the aestetic kinda map cause it is of something i like the pics but put them on the post not on another website also make the pic site big they looked like normal
no one will look at your pics unless there embedding on here. well atleast not as many. I reccommend doing it.
You mentioned this was more of an Aesthetic Map? I had trouble deciding as this was an objective based map, with somewhat of a mixture of some mini-game elements.
In your map title only include the map name and then you can tell that its from Metal Gear solid in your description. Your title should be possibly "Shadow Moses re-make" or anything that you want and then give all the details including that its an assault map in the description.
I did try to fix the description, but once it was finished, the "Blam" message came up, and pretty much ruined it. I've been trying to fix it because everything that deals with names is replaced by "Blam". Any solution? EDIT: I keep getting my description "Blam'd" even though it has no profanity in it. Here is what I wrote: Map name: METALGEARSOLID Description: ENTER THE DEPTHS OF SHADOW MOSES AS SNAKE AND DESTROY METALGEAR. SNAKE MUST BE PARTY LEADER. 8 TO 12 PLAYER ASSAULT MAP. I removed SOLID from the description, and made METAL GEAR one word, but regardless, it will not change. I can't find the problem. EDIT: The word "Snake" is "Blam'd", so now it's fixed, and in a new topic.