Messin' with gravity - advanced engineering part deux

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by SwordScar, Mar 23, 2008.

  1. SwordScar

    SwordScar Ancient
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    I was looking for another gadget to post, when I thought back to a forging 101 session. Not much was posted about the gravity lifts, and I was sure there would be game physic problems/glitches that could come from anti-gravitah, and so, this post was born. These are (bolded for a reason) UNCOMMON ways to use gravity, not basic like the forging 101 page found here . First off, ill show the inverted walkway, which has been used in a few maps ive seen before.

    Inverted walkway-
    Thus, I dub thee "static cling".
    This method is created by simply putting a gravity lift on top of a thin wall
    [img width=800 height=450][/img]

    Jump into the lift, and you will float along the wal above your head, and I must say, it does look like static cling. (metal-headed cyborgs)
    [img width=800 height=450][/img]

    [img width=800 height=450][/img]

    The reason this happens, is because the gravity lift has an invisable "aura" around it, where it still effects the people and things inside.

    The green line is the visable anti-gravity, and the blue line is the area the anti-gravity actually effects.

    On to the next anti-gravity gadget.
    Gravity Prison- where anti gravity is actually anti gravity, not just an airlift.
    The gravity prison is a very simply action where you put a grav lift facing straight up, and a grav lift just out of reach of the first pointing straight down. Anything or anyone that enters this gets caught, and cannot move, but if any scenery or any tiny bump hits the person caught inside, the person will float out. Think of this like space, where any small bump against anything else, can skew it off in any direction.

    [img width=800 height=450][/img]

    Trapped in "prison"
    [img width=800 height=450][/img]

    make sure you have a way out!
    [img width=800 height=450][/img]

    Lastly, the dumbest sounding gadget that is just bungie gone wrong in the physics department.
    -Uhh, sorry, not really. It should be though...

    Anti-Anti-Gravity is a device where either a man cannon or gravity lift is pointed in exactly opposite directions of each other, like the prison, but are much, much closer together. The visable gravity must be inside one-another for this to work, one of the only ways to set it up is the save-quit method. What happens is, the gravity lift no longer affects people, but still affects grenades, and scenery. Think of it like a shield door, except it only blocks grenades, not bullets.

    standing inside the man-cannon with no fwoosh...
    [img width=800 height=450][/img]

    yeah, seems wierd to me too.
    [img width=800 height=450][/img]

    like I said, it DOES push back grenades, and usually right back at your face, at an extremely high velocity.
    [img width=800 height=450][/img]

    Gravity lifts do it too, except when destroyed they sometimes will mess up.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Have any maps with these in it? Just post and say, im sure we would love to look at them. Got any future gadget ideas? Im sure we would love to look at them (wow im origional with my lines.) Thanks for the time.

    ] Action-Reaction scenery [/url]
  2. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Re: Messin' with gravity - Basic engineering part deux

    Hmm, I've been trying to do the anti-grav lift thing for a while. Never got around to it.

    And I've noticed that static cling effect before, but only as an annoyance.
  3. SwordScar

    SwordScar Ancient
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    Re: Messin' with gravity - Basic engineering part deux

    agreed on the static cling being annoying, but I tried to use it and did, making almost a floating walkway from one base to another , with no cover, on one of my unpublished maps (now destroyed because of 0 budget)
  4. Mallet

    Mallet Ancient

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    Re: Messin' with gravity - Basic engineering part deux

    I've done both of the grav lift things before... but the mancannon one looks interesting. An area you can shoot through and walk through but not throw grenades? Hmm.....
  5. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Re: Messin' with gravity - Basic engineering part deux

    If only there was a way to stop only players, but not vehicles.
  6. SwordScar

    SwordScar Ancient
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    Re: Messin' with gravity - Basic engineering part deux

    lots of teleporters would do that job perfectly, or a row of teleporters with a wall above, so people cant just over them.
  7. the predator720

    the predator720 Ancient
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    Re: Messin' with gravity - Basic engineering part deux

    thanks that really helped actually. it just gave me a ton of ideas same with the one post that says how you can make a wall that only lets vehicles and objects through really helped too
  8. k0rruptid

    k0rruptid Ancient
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    Very nice ideas, never noticed the anti gravity thing til now.
  9. ferrari504

    ferrari504 Ancient
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    that is some pretty cool stuff...keep up the good work!!!
  10. Commander_Ocy

    Commander_Ocy Ancient
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    Ahh, neat techniques there. I think I might use the Gravity Prison in a map I'm working on.
  11. Carter C

    Carter C Guest

    Re: Messin' with gravity - Basic engineering part deux

    Oh sweet, tha first one is like monkey bars (*has idea for map*).
  12. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    is it possible to put lots of those anti-anti-gravity things next to each other or do they all blow each other awaY?
  13. SwordScar

    SwordScar Ancient
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    mancannons are not movable, thus cannot be blown away. If you use gravity lifts, then they CAN be blown away.
  14. Icy J 101

    Icy J 101 Ancient
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    Hmm nice techniques... When I put mancannons as close together as you did in that anti anti grav thing, i can't position them correctly because they just blast each other out of my hands.
  15. SwordScar

    SwordScar Ancient
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    use the intersection method to turn the man cannons off (no start at round) then save and quit in place. Keep doing this untill it is in the right spot.
  16. Icy J 101

    Icy J 101 Ancient
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    Lol I can't believe i didn't think of just making them not spawn at start... ><

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