Sandbox Mesa

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by MeRc 4 HiRe 47, Apr 16, 2009.

  1. MeRc 4 HiRe 47

    MeRc 4 HiRe 47 Ancient
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    Created by: MeRc 4 HiRe 47

    Game Types: Slayer, CTF, KOTH

    Hello all, so this is my first attempt at forge. I bought mythic and I thought heck why not. So this map is called mesa and it is symmetric and good for CTF but it also isn't too open and good for FFA's. I'm in civil engineering so I know a lot about design. I don't know any of the forge glitches so you won't find any of those here.

    The map is your basic bases on both sides team vie for position in the middle type of map. The map is based around controlling the mid line so to pin teams at their spawn. There are a number of power weapons available to both teams right off the bat. Lasers in a structure next to each base, a sniper on the base roof and an overshield beside each base. There's rockets in the middle and a missile pod offset in the middle. Mongooses were added for CTF and Assault.

    The objective i had when making the map was to reduce the openness on the original Sandbox. Every time I play it always turns into a massive BR fest and when teams are even it makes for fun gameplay, but half the time teams aren't even and one player on one team just runs house. So my map narrows up the shooting lanes but still makes for fun gameplay by using more accessible power weapons, to keep things chaotic and awesome.`




    Anyways, here's a link to the file set on bungie:

    There's a couple screenshots and a vid of my and my friends playing rockets.
    #1 MeRc 4 HiRe 47, Apr 16, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2009
  2. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    Welcome to forgehub. Unfortunately this post is not up to standards. Please include in your post embedded screenshots.
    You can follow this guide to learn how.

    A prefered way of embedding screenshots is to go to and search your gamertag. It will display your whole gallery of recent images. I've taken the liberty of linking you to your gallery. Simply copy the BB Code for each image, which is the code that is comprised of a URL surrounded by tags. Then post that code in your thread here to display the image in your post.

    Here is the link to your gallery.
    The BB code is the first code you can copy below the images.
    #2 M.Jelleh, Apr 16, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2009
  3. Skarrow

    Skarrow Ancient
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    Looks to me like a nice solid map for sandbox ground level. It's pretty basic but I still like it. You also caught my attention when you brought up in your description that you were an engineer. I will DL and hopefully check back later.
  4. MeRc 4 HiRe 47

    MeRc 4 HiRe 47 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well ERTW (Engineers rule the world), my GT is the same as my forum name so if you wanna play just friend me on xbl
  5. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    very nice i may not be an engineer since my degree plan is on computer animation and game development but im good at balancing maps and making them symmetrical this is very very nice. With your ability at symmetry and balance you should learn the few forge glitches like merging and interlocking you could make some pretty sweet maps. oh BTW welcome to Forgehub
  6. MeRc 4 HiRe 47

    MeRc 4 HiRe 47 Ancient
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    thx bro, i designed the map to be power weapon heavy but with only a smart player getting many chances to use those weapons effectively, even though the snipers and lasers are easily gotten by each team there arent a lot of god shooting lanes to use them so you have to pick your spots, the map will be chaotic in some places but a dead zone in others, unlike the regular sandbox, which is a BR fest and there's pretty much no place to stand that is safe, which don't get me wrong makes for some pretty fun gameplay but i wanted this to be more strategical so players can;t just rely on amazing BR skills to win
  7. MeRc 4 HiRe 47

    MeRc 4 HiRe 47 Ancient
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    btw, i could use a couple play testers if anyone is interested, my GT is the same as my forum name
  8. Pel

    Pel Ancient
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    Wow, man. That's pretty harcore. This is one of the best maps I've seen that had no advanced forge techniques. You've really shown that interlocking doesn't make a map. If you learned all of the forge glitches, I seriously think you could be one of the better forgers of this site.

    Onto the map. I love your use of ramps. Being an engineer, you've made some really intresting and cool structures here. I like the side base-ish things you made with Stone Platforms. I'd give this map an overall 5/5. Keep up the gret forging! Oh, and welcome to Forgehub.
  9. MeRc 4 HiRe 47

    MeRc 4 HiRe 47 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    • Crypt is removed (sword along with it)
    • Team lights were added
    • Couple of new spawn points (nothing ground shattering)
    • Couple of pieces were fitted more tightly together
    Still looking for testers...
    GT: MeRc 4 HiRe 47
  10. Dragull

    Dragull Ancient
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    Cool, its pretty basic layout, but its already much better than Bungie's layout.
    By the way, I'm doing Civil Engineering.
  11. MeRc 4 HiRe 47

    MeRc 4 HiRe 47 Ancient
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    Nvm about testers, I posted on the Testers Guild page :)
  12. MeRc 4 HiRe 47

    MeRc 4 HiRe 47 Ancient
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    any one's opinions on the gloomy effect would be appreciated, half my friends love it, half hate it

    and id appreciate any feedbback from people who dled it from my file share, im new to forge so any criticisms would be appreciated
    #12 MeRc 4 HiRe 47, Apr 17, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2009
  13. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This isnt bad. It seems real simple but not in a bad way. I do think that a few items look randomly placed though. (mainly that pillar piece in the middle of the 2 ramps on the middle structure) But its not bad for someone thats new here.
    I do think that a Laser for each team is a little much, but the snipers arent a bad idea. I think with a little cleaning up, this could be a pretty awesome map.
    As for your post, you should add a list of all the wepons, equipment, and vehicles and include their respawn rates and spare clip amounts. Other than that, Good job and welcome to Forgehub.
  14. MeRc 4 HiRe 47

    MeRc 4 HiRe 47 Ancient
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    I tried to make the map focused on design with structures that were kind of abstract from traditional FPS so it doesn't feel like you're just going thru the motions like every other new map, the map is supposed to look basic but have some different aspects once you start playing.

    And it may not be obvious from the screenshot but the central pillar is where the rockets are.
  15. MeRc 4 HiRe 47

    MeRc 4 HiRe 47 Ancient
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    • Now plays Territories which is surprisingly awesome for the map.
    • Fixed some bad geometry on the midline.
    • Changed a few respawns
    • Removed Gloomy effect
    • Removed BRs and Carbines from bases (most gametypes are assumed BR start
    • lengthened respawn times for snipers lasers rockets and overshields
  16. MeRc 4 HiRe 47

    MeRc 4 HiRe 47 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    anyone who was interested, play test, tomorrow, 7 be there

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