Hello everyone I hope you all had a great chrismas! so this is my first post and I would like to have feedbacks good or bad but not things like : you suck or things like that... So I will begin o talk about my map! this map was inspired by the halodays picture for those who never saw it this is the picture: After I saw this piture I said to my self: I have to do a chrismas map I wanted to post it on chrismas but I did'nt have time to post it. So here's what you've been begging for! Pictures of my map! This is the chrismas tree because there is no chrismas whitout a chrismas tree! and as you can see santa put a lot of gift under the tree During the day you can sit and watch tv! Oh it's my favorite show: coneman: the return Here is the sofa! And the remote! don't loose it! On the tv there's an explosive tree because... eeh because.. well it's was'nt expansive! And the tree exploded! Hey there's a window ! Let's find out what you can see outside! OMG it's santa You can take a look at my weapons collection i'm pretty proud of it Look at the stars on the wall! it's beautiful Hey look at this decoration! it's eee Asian I think (nothing racist in there don't worry be happy) Take a look at the table were we'll eat the turkey! Hey look at my beautiful door! Look at the view from the door! And the beautiful star of the non-explosif tree So this is all I hope you had A great chrismas and I have a special thanks to asassininwh1te You did'nt help me on this one but you always encourage me for my maps thank you man I hope you had great halodays I hope you enjoyed my first post and sorry if there is mistakes I am from Quebec in Canada so English is my second language Thank you for reading my post andhave great halodays!